What is a information request?
What is a information request?
An RFI (request for information) is a formal process for gathering information from potential suppliers of a good or service. RFIs are intended to be written by customers and sent to potential suppliers.
Why would someone make a FOIA request?
A FOIA request can be used to request federal agency records for which access is currently restricted due to the presence of security-classified or other sensitive information.
What does it mean to be subject to open records?
Open Records Acts or Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) are laws that give you the right to access public documents, which means anything in possession of a public agency.
What is a Texas Open records request?
Texas Government Code Chapter 552. (commonly referred to as the Public Information Act, PIA, or Open Records Act) gives you the right to access to government records.
How do you respond to an RFI?
Reply to the RFI by Email
- Open the New RFI message in your email client. A message resembling the one below appears.
- Click Reply in your email client. The system reveals a reply form and the reply to email address.
- In the body of the email message, enter the message for your reply. Notes:
- Click Send.
Is an RFI legally binding?
Oftentimes, request for information is issued to obtain general information from various suppliers before the project starts to find out if there is any supplier who can help in problem solving. An issuance of an RFI does not constitute a legally binding contract.
How long does a Freedom of Information request take?
20 working days
Your main obligation under the Act is to respond to requests promptly, with a time limit acting as the longest time you can take. Under the Act, most public authorities may take up to 20 working days to respond, counting the first working day after the request is received as the first day.
What information can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act?
You can ask for any information you think a public authority may hold. The right only covers recorded information which includes information held on computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents as well as images, video and audio recordings.
Can you make a freedom of information request to a private company?
Private companies are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act. Broadly only organisations considered public authorities are covered by the law. This means FOI requests cannot be made to businesses and private companies generally.
What are examples of public information?
Public Information Examples
- Name.
- Salary.
- Job titles.
- Job description.
- Work location.
- Work phone number.
- Honors and awards received.
- Payroll time sheets.
What information is public record in Texas?
Public information refers to information collected, assembled, produced, or maintained in connection with transacting public business. It may be on paper, film, media, or electronic communications such as emails, internet postings, text messages, or instant messages. Texas Government Code 552.002.