What is a hot spot geography?

A hotspot is a large plume of hot mantle material rising from deep within the Earth. A line of volcanoes develops as a plate moves over a hotspot, much as a line of melted wax forms as a sheet of waxed paper is moved slowly over a burning candle.

What is a hot spot quiz?

‘Hotspot Questions’ are visual questions that can make quizzes exciting and fun. These questions allow the participants to click a spot on an image as the correct answer. While creating the questions, you can determine what area of the image acts as the answer, and the size of this area is customizable.

What is hotspot in canvas quizzes?

Hot Spot questions allow teachers to upload images and have their students identify a specific area in that image.

What is a hotspot in plate tectonics?

Earth > Power of Plate Tectonics > Hot Spots A hot spot is an intensely hot area in the mantle below Earth’s crust. The heat that fuels the hot spot comes from very deep in the planet. This heat causes the mantle in that region to melt. The molten magma rises up and breaks through the crust to form a volcano.

Where are hotspots found?

Most of these are located under plate interiors (for example, the African Plate), but some occur near diverging plate boundaries. Some are concentrated near the mid-oceanic ridge system, such as beneath Iceland, the Azores, and the Galapagos Islands. A few hotspots are thought to exist below the North American Plate.

How is a hotspot formed?

Hotspots occur when one of the Earth’s plates moves over an unusually hot part of the Earth’s mantle. These hot areas are usually relatively stationary and result in large amounts of magma rising up, piercing a hole in the plate to form a volcano. As the plates move, a series of volcanoes can form.

How do you use canvas hotspots?

Hot Spot Questions

  1. Add Question. From your test canvas, select Hot Spot from the drop down menu and click on Go.
  2. Enter Question Text. Enter the question text.
  3. Add Picture. Click on Browse and upload your picture file.
  4. Choose hot spot area.
  5. Enter Feedback.
  6. Submit.
  7. Question as seen by Student.

What is a hotspot geography BBC Bitesize?

Hotspots are stationary magma plumes deep in the Earth that create volcanoes on the surface (eg Mount Kilauea in Hawaii). On a hotspot, magma comes to the surface through cracks in the rocks with great heat and low pressure. Hotspots can be linked to plate margins or may just form on a crustal plate.

Where are hot spots found?

A hot spot is an area on Earth over a mantle plume or an area under the rocky outer layer of Earth, called the crust, where magma is hotter than surrounding magma.

How are hot spots formed?

A hot spot is fed by a region deep within the Earth’s mantle from which heat rises through the process of convection. This heat facilitates the melting of rock at the base of the lithosphere, where the brittle, upper portion of the mantle meets the Earth’s crust.

What causes a hot spot?

Hot spots are often triggered by scratching, licking, or chewing the affected area. The resulting trauma to the skin causes inflammation and secondary bacterial infections.