What is a homothallic and heterothallic?

Hint: Homothallism refers to the condition of having both female and male reproductive structures on the same thalli. On the other hand, the condition of having a female and the male reproductive structure on different thalli is known as heterothallism.

What is meant by homothallic?

Definition of homothallic 1 : having a haploid phase that produces two kinds of gametes capable of fusing to form a zygote —used especially of algae and fungi.

What is difference between homothallic and monoecious?

As adjectives the difference between homothallic and monoecious is that homothallic is (of some algae and fungi) producing male and female reproductive structures in the same plant while monoecious is (botany) that has male and female reproductive organs on the same individual plant (rather than on separate individuals …

What are heterothallic plants?

Solution : If plants possess male and female reproductive structures on different plants (unisexual) it is termed as heterothallic condition.

What are homothallic organisms examples?

Homothallic refers to the possession, within a single organism, of the resources to reproduce sexually; i.e., having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus. The opposite sexual functions are performed by different cells of a single mycelium. It can be contrasted to heterothallic.

What are heterothallic plants give an example class 12?

The flowers having either male or female reproductive structure are called unisexual or dioecious or heterothallic Example- papaya, date palm. The flowers having both male and female reproductive structures are called bisexual or monoecious or homothallic Example- hibiscus, coconuts.

What is heterothallic and dioecious?

Heterothallic and dioecious :- when male and female organs are present in different thalli of fungi they are termed as heterothallic fungi. unisexual plants are also called as dioecious .

What is homothallic condition give an example?

Homothallic is a condition of fungi in which both reproductive structures occur in the same thallus. In other words, the thallus is bisexual. However, homothallism is considered as a long-term evolutionary cost due to the reduction of effective recombination rates and population size by their self-fertilization.

What is difference between monoecious and dioecious?

Monoecious plants have both male and female flowers, whereas dioecious plants have both male and female flowers on different plants. Monoecious plants produce both male and female gametes by the same plant, whereas in dioecious plants, male and female gametes are produced by different plants.

What is heterothallic give example?

In heterothallic fungi, two different individuals contribute nuclei to form a zygote. Examples of heterothallism are included for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium marneffei and Neurospora crassa.

What is heterothallic condition differentiate between staminate and pistillate flowers?

Solution : If plants possess male and female reproductive structure on different plants it is termed as heterothallic condition . If a flowering plants possses unisexuall male flowers with only androecium it is called as staminate flower with only gynoecium it is called as pistilate flower .

What are homothallic plants Class 12?

The flowers having both male and female reproductive structures are called bisexual or monoecious or homothallic Example- hibiscus, coconuts.