What is a guardianship registry in Indiana?

The Guardianship Registry applies to all temporary and permanent guardianships. It will track whether the guardianship is for the estate or for the individual, and whether the person is an adult or a child. The Registry will also: Allow users to create petitions, orders and waivers.

Are guardianship records public in Indiana?

Most court proceedings and the related files are open to the public. Only a handful of cases are shrouded in confidentiality. The most common confidential cases are Guardianship cases, Adoptions, Protective Orders (the named Defendant is not confidential), Juvenile Proceedings and, until July 1st, Paternity cases.

How do I get legal guardianship in Indiana?

To pursue guardianship of an individual, who would be known as the ward or protected person, you need to file a Petition for Guardianship with the applicable court and receive an appointment from a Judge.

How long does guardianship last in Indiana?

A guardianship usually lasts until the child turns 18, unless the court ends the guardianship before the child’s 18th birthday. It can be hard to convince the court to end a guardianship before the child’s 18th birthday (unless everyone agrees the guardianship should be ended).

How much does it cost to file for guardianship in Indiana?

Filing fees vary by jurisdiction, but in Indiana at the time of this writing, the cost of a guardianship filing is $176.00. Finally, you must be sure to serve all relevant parties a copy of the petition, and properly notify them of any upcoming hearings scheduled by the court.

Can grandparents get custody of grandchildren in Indiana?

As a legal guardian, a grandparent can access services for the child without having to be the parent. Without a court order providing for guardianship, you have no legal rights to custody of your grandchild.

How does guardianship work in Indiana?

Guardianship is a permanent commitment to be responsible for the well being and support of a child until they reach adulthood. As a guardian, you have the authority to make medical and educational decisions for the child.

Can permanent guardianship be terminated in Indiana?

Unfortunately, once the court establishes a legal guardianship, it can be difficult to end, or “terminate,” the guardianship. If the guardians agree with you that the guardianship can be ended, you and the guardians can prepare and sign a written statement ending the guardianship and giving the child back to you.

Can you file for guardianship without a lawyer in Indiana?

A guardian for the child’s estate will need to be represented by an attorney who will assist with filing the correct court documents. Court procedures are different in each of Indiana’s 92 counties.

What are grandparent rights in Indiana?

Indiana has a Grandparent’s Right statute (Ind. Code 31-17-5-1). It allows a grandparent to seek visitation rights with their grandchild, but only in certain situations, at the discretion of the judge. Not all grandparents therefore are entitled to visitation under Indiana statute.