What is a good X spam score?

X-Spam-score — aggregate spam score. A number with 1 decimal place. At “Normal” spam protection level, scores <5.0 are considered not-spam, scores >= 5.0 are considered spam. X-Spam-hits — shows which SpamAssassin rules were triggered by an email and the score of each rule that hit.

What is X spam?

The X-Spam-Bar header uses 0 to 10 asterisks (*) to denote whether a message is legitimate or spam. The more asterisks, the more likely the message is spam. The following chart provides a comparison of the number of asterisks in a message to the probability that it is spam.

What is spam threshold score?

The Spam Threshold Score is the limit that can be set to identify spam messages in your email account(s). When SpamAssassin is enabled, it assigns a score to each email based on how likely it is to be spam. With a range of 0-10, the default setting for SpamAssassin is 5, which is right in the middle.

What is spam score in cPanel?

Configure the SpamAssassin Threshold Score Just below “Process New Emails” is the Spam Threshold Score setting. Earlier, we said that SpamAssassin generates a score by adding up the results of many tests. The Threshold lets cPanel users configure the score above which the software considers a message to be spammy.

How do I check my spam email score?

Check your spam score

  1. Keep the Mail Tester tab open.
  2. While in the editor, click Check & Preview > Send Test.
  3. Paste the email address you copied from mail-tester.com into the field and then click Send Now.
  4. Open your current mail-tester.com tab and click Then check your score.
  5. Your results are now ready to view.

How do you train SpamAssassin?

How to train SpamAssassin

  1. Create a folder titled spam within webmail or your email client.
  2. Subscribe to the newly created spam folder using the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Folder feature of your webmail or email client.
  3. Next, we need to set up a cron jobs to automate the training process.

How do I increase spam score in cPanel?

How to Configure the SpamAssassin Score Setting

  1. Click the ‘Spam Filters’ link on the main cPanel dashboard. Click on “Spam Filters”
  2. Click on the ‘Spam Threshold Score’ link.
  3. Adjust the Spam Threshold Score to your desired level.

What is SCL in o365?

That score is mapped to an individual spam confidence level (SCL) that’s added to the message in an X-header. A higher SCL indicates a message is more likely to be spam. EOP takes action on the message based on the SCL.