What is a good Step 1 score for internal medicine?

Students must have other strong data to support a very strong Step 1 score. 250 and above: Scores in this range are considered excellent.

What step score do you need for internal medicine?

Summary for Internal Medicine Applicants Goal Step 1 scores are above 230. Step 2 scores are a little less important, and you should aim to get above a 220. IMGs and DO candidates may have a better shot in Internal Medicine residency than many other programs (aside from maybe Family Medicine).

What is a good Step 2 CK score Internal Medicine?

251 and above: Scores of better than 251 are considered excellent. Scores above 251 typically indicate that all specialties may be considered for potential matching; those with a 251 or higher are likely to have multiple choices of training programs.

What is a good Step 1 score 2020?

The USMLE® Step 1 passing score is 194, and the national average score is approximately 232. The USMLE® Step 2 passing score is 209, with an average score of 245. The following summarizes the typical average score required to match in most specialties.

Is 220 a good Usmle Step 1 score?

Generally speaking, however, a USMLE® Step 1 score between 230 and 245 is considered a good and a score between 245 and 255 is considered very good.

How hard is it to match into internal medicine?

A mere 73 U.S. senior internal medicine applicants did not match in to internal medicine residencies last year. Therefore, 2.1% of allopathic U.S. senior internal medicine applicants did not match making internal medicine one of the least competitive specialties based on the data.

Is internal medicine difficult?

But internal medicine is more difficult than other specialties to categorize and nail down because it’s so broad and expansive in what you can do with it. There are also more fellowship options after internal medicine than just about any other specialty, which we’ll get to shortly.

What percentile is 220 on Step 1?

Percentiles for Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3

Score Step 1 Percentile Step 3 Percentile
235 56 72
230 47 60
225 37 47
220 29 34

What is an impressive Step 1 score?

A 230 on Step 1 might get you screened out by nearly 75% of programs. Many students studying for Step 1 want to keep as many doors open as possible. The median score of matched applicants in the most competitive specialties was roughly 245-250.