What is a good sentence for breakthrough?

Noun Researchers say they have made a major breakthrough in cancer treatment. The police have announced a breakthrough in the murder case. This job could be the breakthrough she’s been waiting for.

What is the meaning of breakthrough ‘?

an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem: breakthrough in sth The development of digital imagery was a breakthrough in computer technology. achieve/make a breakthrough At last a breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved.

What is an example of breakthrough?

The definition of a breakthrough is overcoming something and having an achievement. An example of a breakthrough is making a difficult new discovery for curing a disease.

What is a breakthrough moment?

an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem: Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. More examples.

What is supernatural breakthrough?

The Word of God is the master key to a world of supernatural breakthroughs (Luke 5:4-6). We must understand that breakthrough is not a state of being; it is a lifestyle. No one qualifies for supernatural breakthrough without first believing in its possibility.

What part of speech is breakthrough?

BREAKTHROUGH (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is a breakthrough opportunity?

opportunities that are seen by innovative firms which develop hard-to-imitate marketing strategies that are very profitable for a long time; less creative firms adopt risk-avoiding ‘me-too’ strategies.

What is a breakthrough positive?

According to the CDC, a “breakthrough” case is when a person tests positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after becoming fully vaccinated (which includes receiving a booster or third dose, if you’re eligible). Breakthrough cases are, as the CDC also notes, to be expected.

What is breakthrough prayer?

It is where we experience the glory of His presence to shatter strongholds and set captives free. Learn to enter God’s presence through breakthrough prayer, creating a spiritual atmosphere in which He moves mightily to heal, deliver, and transform lives. This is prayer that God always hears—and answers!

What is another word for self discovery?

What is another word for self-discovery?

self-contemplation introspection
reflection contemplation
brooding introversion
self-searching self-examination
self-scrutiny self-observation