What is a good reaction time on a ruler?

Reaction Time

Reaction Time Chart
5 cm .10 seconds
10 cm .14 seconds
15 cm .18 seconds

How do you calculate reaction time with a ruler?

Drop the ruler. When your volunteer catches it, record the number on the ruler displayed just over her thumb. The lower the number, the faster her reaction time. Conduct several trials with the same volunteer, dropping the ruler from 2cm above her fingers each time.

What does the ruler drop test measure?

Quick Reference. A simple test of response time in which the subject attempts to stop a falling ruler.

What is a good score on the ruler drop test?


Excellent Above Average Average
<7.5cm 7.5 – 15.9cm 15.9 – 20.4cm

What is a ruler test?

RULER analysis measures the level of remaining antioxidant additive levels in lubricating oils, including turbine oils and hydraulic fluids. RULER analysis by Intertek is a useful test for machinery predictive maintenance programs.

How do you calculate reaction time from a graph?

If you plot a graph of [A] vs. t and draw a line tangent to the graph, then rate = ½ × |slope| of the line (rate is always a positive number). To find the instantaneous rate of reaction at a given time: Plot a graph of concentration of reactant against time of reaction.

What are 2 ways of measuring reaction time?

Considering the results shown in Figures 3–5, it would appear that under our conditions the best way to determine the reaction time is to measure the contact force, average it across trials, and then use the extrapolation method to determine the reaction time.

What is the average reaction time ruler drop test?

Work with a partner. Person A holds out their hand with a gap between their thumb and first finger. Person B holds the ruler with the zero at the top of person A’s thumb….Ruler drop test.

Catch distance (cm) Reaction time (ms)
5 90
10 140
15 170
20 200

What is the fitness test for reaction time?

The Posner reaction time test, also known as the Posner cueing task, is used to assess manual and eye-movement reaction times in response to different cues. This method is often used to assess spatial attention, especially after a brain injury.

Is 190ms reaction time good?

The average reaction time to visual stimulus is around 250 milliseconds, and most people seem to be hard capped at around 190-200 ms with training.