What is a good PST score?

Navy SEAL PST Standards

PST Event Minimum Standards Competitive Standards
Push-ups 50 80-100
Sit-ups 50 80-100
Pull-ups 10 15-20
1.5-mile timed run 10:30 9-10 minutes

How many miles do Navy SEALs run a day?

Initial BUD/S recruits are required to build up to a 16-mile-per-week running regimen. This is a nine-week program that begins with running 2 miles a day at an 8:30 pace, for three days a week. This continues for the first two weeks, with a week of rest. Week four increases this amount to 3 miles a day.

How is a PST scored?

Swim – 500yd swim = if you score a 8 min swim you get 480 points (that is 480 seconds). So every second of running and swimming counts! 1.5 mile run = if you score a 9 min 1.5 mile run you get 540 points….

Event Rest times
situps 2 min rest 2 min
pullups max reps rest 10 min
1.5 mile run test complete

How many pull-ups for Navy SEALs?

If you want to be a Navy SEAL, you have to be able to do this: 20 pullups, more than 100 pushups in two minutes and a 500-yard swim in under nine minutes. And that’s all before Hell Week, the grueling Navy SEAL test that consists of 120 hours of virtually nonstop training on fewer than four hours of sleep.

How many pushups do Navy SEALs do a day?

Navy SEAL pre-training requirements include: Push-ups in 2 minutes: 42 minimum, 100 optimum. Sit-ups in 2 minutes: 52 minimum, 100 optimum. Pull-ups (no time limit): 8 minimum, 20 optimum.

What’s the cutoff age for Navy SEALs?

18-28 years old
Navy SEALs Qualifications All SEAL candidates are required to meet the following qualification standards and pass the PST: 18-28 years old (17 with parental permission)

What is the dropout rate for Navy SEALs?

73 to 75 percent
The enlisted SEAL attrition rate is 73 to 75 percent, according to the Navy, while the SWCC attrition rate is 63 percent. The SEAL officer program has a higher rate of success: 65 percent of candidates make it through.