What is a good plaque index score?

Total Score Plaque Control
0-3 Excellent
4-7 Good
8-11 Fair
12-18 Poor

What are the different dental indices?

Types of indices: 1-Simple index: It is the one which measures the presence or absence of a condition. For example, an index which measures the presence of plaque without evaluating its effects on the gingiva. 2- Cumulative index: It is the one which measures all the evidence of a condition (past and present).

What does a Russell periodontal index score of 6 indicates?

A PI score of 6 indicates gingivitis with a pocket formation. A PI score of 8 indicates advanced destruction of sup- porting tissues with loss of masticatory function, although this was not observed in any of the patients in the present study. There are no scores of 3, 5 or 7 in the Russell PI.

How is OHIS calculated?

Calculus Index = (The buccal-scores) + (The lingual-scores) / (Total number of examined buccal and lingual surfaces). The average individual or group debris and calculus scores are combined to obtain simplified Oral Hygiene Index, as follows.

What do plaque scores mean?

A score of 100 to 300 means moderate plaque deposits. It’s associated with a relatively high risk of a heart attack or other heart disease over the next three to five years. A score greater than 300 is a sign of very high to severe disease and heart attack risk.

How do you calculate plaque score?

Simply multiply the number of teeth by four to calculate the number of interproximal surfaces, or by six for the total number of surfaces measured. Patients with periodontal disease often start with scores of 25/100 to 85/140 or more. The numbers drop dramatically after therapy.

How do you interpret plaque index?

Plaque Index = (2+1+1+2) / 4 = 1.5, according to the plaque index system this means the plaque index for the tooth is moderate accumulation of soft deposit within the gingival pocket, or the tooth and gingival margin which can be seen with the naked eye.

What is O’Leary plaque index?

The plaque control record (O’Leary index) appears to be a commonly used oral hygiene index for assessing oral health skills. This index provides sufficient information for patient education; however, the time involved in data collection reduces its value.

What is Russell’s periodontal index?

(PI) An assessment tool, named after A. L. Russell, a contemporary American dentist, that estimates the degree of periodontal disease present by measuring gingival inflammation and bone loss. It is used for measuring periodontal disease in population surveys.

What is Silness and Loe plaque index?

Silness-Löe Index The measurement of the state of oral hygiene by Silness-Löe plaque index is based on recording both soft debris and mineralized deposits on the following teeth: Missing teeth are not substituted. Each of the four surfaces of the teeth (buccal, lingual, mesial and distal) is given a score from 0-3.

What is a normal coronary artery calcium score?

Technically, a normal calcium score is 0, meaning you don’t have any plaque in your arteries. However, most people as they age do develop some plaque in their arteries.

What is the average calcium score for a 70 year old man?

Coronary artery calcium scores ranged from 0 to 4058. The mean score (± standard deviation) was 135 (± 377), and the median was 4 (25th–75th percentile: 0 – 87). The prevalence of zero scores ranged from 80% among women younger than 50 years to 5% among men 70 years old or older.