What is a good nursing objective for a resume?

Providing my ability to handle high-stress, fast-paced situations and effective problem-solving skills. ‘ Example 2: ‘To obtain a position as a Registered Nurse in a clinical setting. Hoping to bring my extensive experience working with various medical and software tools to a growing and developing practice.

What is the main objective of a nurse?

Providing Quality Patient Care A nurse’s primary objective – regardless of work environment – is to make sure all of her patients receive quality treatment in a timely manner. Nurses help expedite patient wait times by taking care of routine tasks.

What skills should a nurse put on a resume?

Must-have hard skills for nurses

  • Urgent care and emergency care.
  • Checking and monitoring vital signs.
  • Patient and family education.
  • Patient safety.
  • Technology skills.
  • Communication.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Time management and stamina.

What are smart objectives in nursing?


What are SMART objectives in nursing?

How can I make my nursing resume stand out?

Five Ways to Make a Nursing Resume Stand Out from The Competition

  1. Include an objective statement.
  2. Communicate workplace value.
  3. Be specific and relevant.
  4. Highlight clinical experience and areas of expertise.
  5. Earn an MSN.

What is your greatest skills as a nurse?

The key to being a successful nurse is communication. Communication skills are one of the most important requirements of a nurse’s job—both following directions and communicating with patients and families. Patients who are sick or suffering often are not in a position of strength to speak up for themselves.

Which is an example of a SMART objective?

Examples of SMART objectives: ‘To achieve a 15% net profit by 31 March’, ‘to generate 20% revenue from online sales before 31 December’ or ‘to recruit three new people to the marketing team by the beginning of January’.

What is a smart objective example?