What is a good level of attendance?

An attendance rate of 95% is generally considered good; this allows for children to miss 9.5 days across the school year. Persistent absence (PA) is defined as an attendance rate of 90% or below.

What is unverified in attendance?

Unverified – Incomplete Absent Unexcused NO YES Unverified absence – Absences, which have NOT been cleared by any means (considered truancies by the courts).

Why are schools so strict on attendance?

Sommaruga of Pullman & Comley recently explained. He said this leads to school districts creating strict attendance policies, both to discourage absenteeism and truancy and ensure funding remains stable. Unfortunately, the result is often parents sending sick kids to school out of fear of getting in trouble.

What factors affect attendance?

Personal factors and their affect on ‘attendance’ (people sticking at it) Personal factors include such things as; smoking, age, income, weight loss diet, level of education, weight, personality type, gender, exercise history, sporting history.

How many days off is 75% attendance?

So in order to gain 75% attendance, you have attend 75% of 108 days classes ie., 81 days classes to maintain 75% attendance. That means you can miss approx 2 days classes in order to meet the required percentage .

What does t mean in attendance?

T- Tardy less than 30 minutes without a valid reason. M- Tardy greater than 30 minutes without a valid reason.

What does K stand for in attendance?

K Tardy – Unexcused tardy less than 30 minutes. L Tardy – Excused tardy due to student’s doctor/dental appointment or illness. Parent must provide note from medical provider. M Medical – Absence due to verified appointment with health care professional during school hours.

What affects student attendance?

Several notable factors that influence attendance and grades are motivation, prior grade point average (GPA), self-financing by students, hours worked on jobs, quality of teaching, and nature of class lectures.

How can we reduce absenteeism?

Top 4 Ways to Prevent Absenteeism at Work

  1. Allow for Flexible Scheduling or Remote Work Days.
  2. Offer Paid Sick Days and Other Paid Leave.
  3. Implement a Comprehensive Workplace Wellness Program.
  4. Set Clear Attendance Policies With Incentives.

How many days off is 85 attendance?

29 days off

% Days absent
85 29 days off
86 27 days off
87 25 days off
88 23 days off

How many days off is 94 attendance?

11 days off

% Days Absent
92 15 days off
93 13 days off
94 11 days off
95 9 days off