What is a good homemade hair detangler?

Leave-in Detangling Conditioner

  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin.
  • 5 tablespoons water.
  • 10 drops orange essential oil.

How do you make homemade detangler conditioner?


  1. 1: Put 2–3 tablespoons of your favorite conditioner in your squirt bottle.
  2. 2: Fill up the bottle the rest of the way with hot water.
  3. 3: Add 2–3 drops of essential oil for scent if you like.
  4. 4: Shake!
  5. 5: Spray on dry hair to untangle even the worst cases of bedhead or convertible-car-hair.

What can you use instead of detangler?

According to celebrity colorist George Papanikolas, diluting your conditioner is an easy way to create a DIY detangler at home. Since many detangle their conditioner-soaked strands in the shower anyway, you can simply bring your conditioner with you to the sink.

What is a natural detangler for hair?

Ingredients. 1 1/2 cups water. 3 tablespoons marshmallow root, you’ll need less than half an ounce for this recipe) 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (where to buy apple cider vinegar) 1 1/2 teaspoons jojoba oil or olive oil (where to buy jojoba oil, where to buy olive oil)

How can I detangle my hair without a detangler?


  1. Dampen your hair. Like we mentioned earlier, moistened strands are much easier to detangle than dry strands.
  2. Grab your wide-tooth comb. You guessed it—begin to comb through your mane, working your way from your ends up.
  3. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Can you use coconut oil as a detangler?

Luckily for you, you can detangle matted hair with coconut oil without the need to cut it! Simply massage some coconut oil on the matted hair to gently loosen the tangles and mats. Putting on coconut oil will instantly make your hair softer and smoother, allowing you to remove the mats quickly and painlessly.

Is aloe vera good for detangling hair?

Aloe vera juice is known to help with hair growth and doubles as a powerful natural hair detangler!

Is olive oil good for detangling hair?

Being rich in nutrients and with an oily consistency, extra virgin olive oil is an ideal natural balm for hair. In addition to having a detangling effect, it nourishes hair deeply, leaving it soft and shiny. To make an olive oil conditioner, heat a small bowl of oil in the microwave or over the stove for a few seconds.

Will coconut oil detangle matted hair?