What is a GitHub submodule?

Submodules are Git repositories nested inside a parent Git repository at a specific path in the parent repository’s working directory. A submodule can be located anywhere in a parent Git repository’s working directory and is configured via a . gitmodules file located at the root of the parent repository.

Can I create a sub repository in GitHub?

How to create submodules in GitHub. The following list of steps will add Git submodule GitHub relationships between two repositories: Clone the parent or top-level repository. In the root of the parent, issue a “git submodule add” command and provide the GitHub repository’s URL.

What is a sub repository?

Subrepositories is a feature that allows you to treat a collection of repositories as a group. This will allow you to clone, commit to, push, and pull projects and their associated libraries as a group.

Is git submodule a good idea?

Git submodules may look powerful or cool upfront, but for all the reasons above it is a bad idea to share code using submodules, especially when the code changes frequently. It will be much worse when you have more and more developers working on the same repos.

How do I add a submodule?

In order to add a Git submodule, use the “git submodule add” command and specify the URL of the Git remote repository to be included as a submodule. When adding a Git submodule, your submodule will be staged. As a consequence, you will need to commit your submodule by using the “git commit” command.

How do you commit a submodule?

Just cd into the submodule’s directory and: git add -A git commit -m “some message” git push Then cd to the main repo and do the same.

How do I initialize a git submodule?

If you already cloned the project and forgot –recurse-submodules , you can combine the git submodule init and git submodule update steps by running git submodule update –init . To also initialize, fetch and checkout any nested submodules, you can use the foolproof git submodule update –init –recursive .

What is subproject commit in git?

A submodule commit is a gitlink, special entry recorded in the index, created when you add a submodule to your repo; It records the SHA1 currently referenced by the parent repo. A git submodule update –init is enough to populate the laravel subdirectory in your repo.

How do I know if a git repo has a submodule?

You can use git submodule status or optionally git submodule status –recursive if you want to show nested submodules. From the Git documentation: Show the status of the submodules.

How do you prevent submodule?

The way to avoid this is to make a point of remembering to push any commits inside your submodule before you update the parent repository. Another potential pitfall – and the one that seems to worry submodule detractors the most – is that a standard git clone won’t check out your submodules for you.

How do I manually add a git submodule?


  1. Add submodule manually, e.g. git submodule add git@… path/to.
  2. git submodule init.
  3. git submodule update.
  4. commit and push all files – .
  5. drop your local git repo.
  6. clone a new one.
  7. ensure that .
  8. Now, git submodule init – and you will see a message that module registered.

How to set up a GitHub repo for my project?

Determine the appropriate repository

  • Fork the repository to your GitHub account
  • Choose a local folder for the cloned files
  • Clone the repository to your local machine
  • Configure the upstream remote value
  • How to initialize a git repository with GitHub?

    Git. To create (initialize) a loca Git repository for a project, go to the root of your project and run this command: git init. That’s it! Now you can start tracking and commiting files: Run git add . to stage your files. Run git commit -m ‘Describe your changes’ to add a descriptive message about your file changes.

    Who can access public repos under an organization in GitHub?

    Access permissions on GitHub. While you can grant read/write access to collaborators on a personal repository, members of an organization can have more granular access permissions for the organization’s repositories.

    Can you change a GitHub repo from private to public?

    Right-click on the canvas

  • Select Project
  • Select Convert project (public/private)