What is a fast time for 800m?

Filter All Time Top Lists

Rank Mark DOB
1 1:40.91 17 DEC 1988
2 1:41.11 12 DEC 1972
3 1:41.73 29 SEP 1956
3 1:41.73 15 MAR 1994

How long does it take to run a 800m?

800-meter Run Test

Rating Time (minutes/seconds)
average 3’16” – 3’30”
above average 3’01” – 3’15”
good 2’46” – 3′
excellent 2’45” or less

What is the average Olympic 800m time?

Year Men Women
Tokyo 2020 105.06 115.21
Rio 2016 102.15 115.28
London 2012 100.91 117.23
Beijing 2008 104.65 114.87

What is a good high school 800m time?

I would say anything 2:05 or below, assuming your training isn’t too rigorous. Of course if you’re running 60 miles a week and run 2:05 that would not be considered good, but if you’re running the 20-30 miles a week that most high school 800 runners run then 2:05 or under is good.

What is a good 800m time for college?

Men’s Track and Field Recruiting Standards

400m 47.5-51.0 49.0-54.0
800m 1:52-1:58 1:57-2:05
1,600m 4:15-4:30 4:30-5:00
3,200m 9:10-9:45 9:30-10:15

Whats a good 800m time for a sophomore?

What 800m time do you need to run D1?

Division 1 track and field recruiting standards

Event D1 Top D1 Low
800m 1:47.14 1:58.49
1500m 3:45.75 4:16.77
1600m 4:05.89 4:27.80
5K XC 13:58.20 15:52

What is the 800m time for D1?

What is a good 800 meter time for high school?