What is a double chip seal?

Double Chip Seal is a two layer Chip Seal where one is applied immediately after the other. The second application can utilize either ¼ inch or #8 aggregate, depending on the desired finished surface.

Does chip seal last longer than asphalt?

Not Long Lasting – Due to its low durability, a chip seal is often used for low traffic purposes like private roads and driveways. Asphalt projects can last anywhere from twenty to thirty years while chip seal projects typically last ten to fifteen years. The more traffic on the chip seal, the shorter its lifespan.

How long does it take for chip seal to cure?

The new chip-seal surface can require up to two days to cure properly. Hot, dry weather helps speed up this process in which all of the remaining water in the emulsion evaporates and the asphalt hardens. Traffic can pass over this surface at reduced speeds during the curing process.

What is double seal in road construction?

A single chip seal consists of one application of aggregate over one application of asphalt binder. A double chip seal is essentially two single chip seals, one placed on top of the other. The aggregate on top is usually a finer gradation than that placed on the bottom in a standard double chip seal.

What is a primer seal?

A primerseal is a single stage sprayed seal treatment. To create a primerseal, a primerbinder is sprayed onto a prepared but unprimed granular pavement surface. The primerbinder is then covered with a layer of size 7mm or 10mm aggregate, rolled and opened to controlled traffic.

What is the difference between chip seal and slurry seal?

To put it briefly, chip seal is an alternative to asphalt, while slurry seal is a method of repairing asphalt, while seal coating is a protective process for your asphalt. They may sound similar, but each has its own purpose and place in the world of pavement.