What is a cytoplasm simple definition?
What is a cytoplasm simple definition?
Cytoplasm is the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell. It is composed of water, salts, and various organic molecules. Some intracellular organelles, such the nucleus and mitochondria, are enclosed by membranes that separate them from the cytoplasm.
What is cytoplasm kid definition?
Cytoplasm is a watery, gel-like substance made of mostly salt and water that provides a structure for the cell parts so they can move freely within the cell membrane. Enzymes, which help digest and break down other molecules for food, are also found in cytoplasm.
What are stem cells short answer?
Stem cells are special human cells that are able to develop into many different cell types. This can range from muscle cells to brain cells. In some cases, they can also fix damaged tissues.
What is function of cytoplasm in plant cell?
What is the important function of cytoplasm? The cytoplasm is responsible for holding the components of the cell and protects them from damage. It stores the molecules required for cellular processes and is also responsible for giving the cell its shape.
What is a sentence for cytoplasm?
Cytoplasm sentence example. Very little is known of the finer structure of the cytoplasm of a vegetable cell. All cells contain cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane.
What is cytoplasm and protoplasm?
Cytoplasm makes up about 70% of the contents of the cell. It’s made up of structural filaments, and water. Protoplasm consists of cytoplasm, the nucleus and the nucleoplasm. So essentially, protoplasm consists of all the organelles suspended in the cytosol, along with the nucleus.
What does cytoplasm do in a plant cell?
The cytoplasm is responsible for holding the components of the cell and protects them from damage. It stores the molecules required for cellular processes and is also responsible for giving the cell its shape.
What is cytoplasm 6th grade?
What is another word for cytoplasm?
Cytoplasm is also called protoplasm.
What are stem cells Class 10?
Answer. Stem cells are cells of the body (somatic cells) which can divide and become differentiated. When an organism grows, stem cells specialize, and take specific functions. For instance, mature tissues like skin, muscle, blood, bone, liver, nerves, all have different types of cells.
Where are stem cells?
Stem cells mostly live in the bone marrow (the spongy center of certain bones). This is where they divide to make new blood cells. Once blood cells mature, they leave the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream. A small number of the immature stem cells also get into the bloodstream.