What is a cordon in viticulture?

A long arm, usually trained along a wire, from which fruiting canes develop. Structure of a grape vine.

Why are trellises needed in wine production?

There are multiple reasons for training vines onto a trellis, including maximizing light interception, reducing labor cost, avoiding delayed bearing, minimizing disease pressure and developing a strong, straight trunk. In addition, trellised vines are out of the way of cultivation and other vineyard operations.

Can you grow grapes for wine in the UK?

Growing grape vines can easily be done in the UK either in a greenhouse or outdoors. There are plenty of varieties of grapevine suited to the UK climate and it is important that it is these varieties that are chosen rather than those that are grown on the continent in warmer climates.

Why do you prune a vineyard?

Each cane will produce two clusters of grapes. Pruning is important for maintaining the structural integrity, consistency, and predictability of the vineyard.

How long should grape cordons be?

If vines are spaced 8 feet apart, each cordon should be maintained at a 4-foot length.

Do canes turn into cordons?

In very general terms, the process of establishing a new cordon on spur-pruned vines is to find a strong cane from the previous growing season and tie it onto the trellis wire so that it will become the new cordon.

How much does it cost to set up a vineyard UK?

The upfront investment costs of establishing a vineyard are high, when you consider such things as soil conditioning, establishing vines, and putting in trellising and fencing. Establishment costs of £12,000 to £14,000 per acre are normal and the vines take five years to reach full productivity.

Can you make your own wine UK?

You can only produce wine without a licence if it’s not for sale. If you produce wine to sell and it’s more than 1.2% ABV , you must apply for a wine licence from HMRC and pay Wine Duty. You must also be licensed if you turn wine into sparkling wine, unless you plan to carry this process out in an excise warehouse.

What happens if you don’t prune a vineyard?

“Most beginning wine growers don’t prune enough.” Pruning means cutting off canes, or branches, that could produce grapes. Giving up part of your crop is a hard thing for any gardener to do, but if you don’t prune, the vines produce more grapes than they can fully support.