What is a compound subject and compound predicate examples?

‘Her shoes and ankles’ is the compound subject. The predicate in both the sentences is ‘were covered with mud. ‘ A Simple Sentence may contain a Compound Predicate is a predicate with two or more verbs joined by the word and or another conjunction.

What is a compound predicate 4th grade?

Definition: A sentence has a compound subject when it has more than one subject. It has a compound predicate when there is more than one predicate. Sometimes sentences can have both a compound subject and a compound predicate.

What is subject and predicate with examples for Class 4?

Subject is the part of the sentence which names the person or thing we are talking about. Predicate is the part of the sentence which says something about the subject. Examples: Mahatma Gandhi was a freedom fighter.

What are examples of compound predicate?

Compound Predicate Examples

  • The girls swam and played at the beach: the girls is the subject and swam and played is the compound predicate.
  • She lives in Tokyo and speaks Japanese and English: she is the subject and lives and speaks is the compound predicate.

What is compound predicate with example?

A compound predicate occurs when the subject in the sentence is doing more than one action and is shared by two or more verbs. These verbs are joined by a conjunction, or a connecting word, such as ‘and,’ ‘or,’ and ‘but. ‘ The sentence ‘The kids climbed and played on the jungle gym’ is a good example.

What is compound predicate give an example?

An example of a compound predicate is: ”The cat jumped up and looked out the window. ” Cat is the subject and jumped up and looked is the compound verb.

What is a subject for Grade 4?

Grade 4 students take eight required subjects: Art, English Language Arts, Health and Life Skills, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science and Social Studies. Some schools may offer additional optional subjects.

How do you find the subject and predicate?

The subject of the sentence is what (or whom) the sentence is about. In the sentence “The cat is sleeping in the sun,” the word cat is the subject. A predicate is the part of a sentence, or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is.

What is an example of compound subject?

When two nouns combine with the same verb, the subject is compound. Example: Mom and Dad left for work early. Examples of Compound Subject sentences: My friend and I like to ski. Bill or Mike will pick up the car.