What is a complete hemianopia?

n. Hemianopsia affecting a full half of the visual field of each eye.

What is a bitemporal hemianopsia?

Introduction. Bitemporal hemianopsia (or bitemporal hemianopia) describes the ocular defect that leads to impaired peripheral vision in the outer temporal halves of the visual field of each eye.

What is Heteronymous hemianopsia?

A heteronymous hemianopsia is the loss of half of the visual field on different sides in both eyes. It is separated into two categories: Binasal hemianopsia – the loss of the fields surrounding the nose; Bitemporal hemianopsia – the loss of the fields closest to the temples.

What causes partial loss of vision?

If you have partial vision loss, the causes include: Migraines: These are, by far, the most common cause of short-term, partial vision loss. When you get a migraine, you may have “aura” that affects the vision in both of your eyes. You may see flashing lights, shimmering spots, or blind spots.

What causes bitemporal hemianopsia?

A bitemporal hemianopia is almost always caused by damage to the optic chiasm and can occur from the direct or indirect effects of a variety of lesions, including tumors,1 aneurysms,2 and, less frequently, inflammatory and ischemic diseases.

What is the most common cause of bitemporal hemianopsia?

Lesions of the chiasm lead to bitemporal hemianopsia; the most common causes are pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, meningioma, hypothalamic glioma, ectopic pinealoma or dysgerminoma, and metastases. Homonymous hemianopsia is the result of a tumor in the contralateral occipital cortex or optic tract.

What is Heteronymous bilateral field defects?

Definition. A bilateral visual field defect on opposite sides of the visual space of each eye (right or left). [ from NCI]

What does partial vision mean?

Partial blindness means you have very limited vision. Complete blindness means you cannot see anything and do not see light. (Most people who use the term “blindness” mean complete blindness.)

Can you only see half vision?

With hemianopsia, you can see only part of the visual field for each eye. Hemianopsia is classified by the part of your visual field that’s missing: bitemporal: outer half of each visual field. homonymous: the same half of each visual field.

What causes complete blindness?

The leading causes of blindness and low vision in the United States are primarily age-related eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Other common eye disorders include amblyopia and strabismus.

What is partial vision?