What is a Cockloft?

a small loft or attic above the highest finished ceiling of a building. a completely enclosed space between rafters and a suspended ceiling.

Whats the difference between an attic and Cockloft?

Cocklofts have sloped roofs, Attics have Pitched roofs.

Is a garret an attic?

A garret is a habitable attic, a living space at the top of a house or larger residential building, traditionally, small, dismal, and cramped, with sloping ceilings. In the days before elevators this was the least prestigious position in a building, at the very top of the stairs.

What is a small attic called?

A scuttle attic is an attic space accessed by a small hole in the ceiling. The hole, along with the panel that covers it, is called a hatch. Because the term ”scuttle attic” refers to the opening rather than the attic itself, you might also see it called a ”scuttle hole” or an ”attic hatch.

What is a knee wall in construction?

A knee wall is a short vertical wall, roughly two or three feet high, thats used to support rafters in the roof. It also blocks off the space that’s too small (due to the sloping roof) to use for anything in an attic.

What do you call a small room at the top of the house?

Garret comes from the old French word guerite, which means “watchtower” or “sentry box.” These days, a garret has nothing to do with war; it simply means the little room at the very top of a building, which is also called an attic.

What is a garrette?

: a room or unfinished part of a house just under the roof. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About garret.

What is the space between ceiling and roof called?

Attics are the space between the roof and the ceiling of the highest floor of the house. They’re usually full of insulation, and sometimes heating or air conditioning equipment as well.

What is the room on top of a house called?

Why are pony walls called pony walls?

Pony walls differ from knee walls, which are generally intended to support something such as a countertop, handrail, or rafter. The supposed origins of pony walls confirms the name: It’s said short walls were originally added to stables for ponies.

What is the difference between a pony wall and a knee wall?

A pony wall is nothing more than a short wall, and the term is often used interchangeably with “knee wall” or “cripple wall.” Pony walls, like regular walls, have top and bottom plates, that is, the horizontal members that the vertical studs fasten to.

What is a room on roof called?

An attic is defined as a space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building.