What is a CNR number?

The CNR means Case Number Record. CNR is a unique 16 digit number given to all cases. To put it in short, it is the unique case identity number by which any Case can be identified. CNR is assigned to each Case filed through Case Information System.

How do I find my CNR?

3.If you don’t know the CNR number of the case, then it can be searched by other options like Case Registration Number, Party Name, Advocate Name etc. For this, click on the Case Status image, which is shown on the left hand side menu.

How can I check my family court status in Hyderabad?

Log on to LawStar. Select Hyderabad as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. – High Court or District Court). After filling the details click on “find cases” and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your “case type”, “case number” and “year of filing”.

How many cases are pending in Telangana High Court?

2.32 lakh cases
The Telangana High Court has over 2.32 lakh cases that are currently pending and a request for raising the sanctioned strength of judges of the court from 24 to 42 has been recently cleared on the personal intervention of Chief Justice of India, Justice N V Ramana, Chief Justice Hima Kohli said on Sunday.

What is CNR full form?

All cases under CIS now comes with the unique feature of Case identity number. called as. CNR.

What is disposed case?

Srinu, ‘Case Status – Disposed’ means the final order/judgment/decree has been passed by the hon’ble court. It does not mean that the case was quashed. You may contact your advocate for result of the case. You may apply for certified copies.

How do I get a CRN number?

You need to prove your identity before you claim a payment or service. If you want to claim a payment, you need a Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)….You can get a CRN by proving who you are with us, either:

  1. online.
  2. over the phone.
  3. in person at a service centre.

How can I check my petty case status in Telangana?

  1. Step 1 : Hit on the link to visit Website of Telangana. The following following menu will open.
  2. Step 2: Goto Citizen Services.
  3. Step 3 : Hit on Know your Case Status.
  4. Step 4 : Hit on Online Case Status.
  5. Step 5 : Hit on Search Button.
  6. Step 1 : Hit on “Important Click here for transfer cases” Link.
  7. Step 2 : Hit on Search.

Is courts are working in Hyderabad?

Hyderabad courts (city civil courts, metropolitan session courts, CBI courts, small causes courts and tribunals) will start functioning as per phase-II of modified standard operating procedures.