What is a closed cycle gas turbine power plant?

A closed-cycle gas turbine is a turbine that uses a gas (e.g. air, nitrogen, helium, argon, etc.) for the working fluid as part of a closed thermodynamic system. Heat is supplied from an external source. Such recirculating turbines follow the Brayton cycle.

What is gas turbine PDF?

Gas turbine engines derive their power from burning fuel in a combustion chamber and using the fast flowing combustion gases to drive a turbine in much the same way as the high pressure steam drives a steam turbine. A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a compressor, a combustor, and a power turbine.

What is a closed cycle gas turbine power plant Mcq?

A closed cycle gas turbine uses gas as a working fluid. Explanation: In a closed cycle gas turbine air is used as working fluid and working fluid moves in closed thermodynamic cycle. Explanation: In a closed cycle gas turbine heat is supplied from external source.

What are the special advantages of closed cycle gas turbine plant?

Answer: Advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine: (i) It has higher thermal efficiency for the same minimum and maximum temperature limits and for the same pressure ratio. (ii) Since the heating is external, any kind of fuel even solid fuel having low calorific value may be used.

What is the application of closed cycle gas turbine plant?

Difference Between Open Cycle and Closed Cycle Gas Turbine:

Open Cycle Gas Turbine Closed Cycle Gas Turbine
They are mainly used for moving vehicles. Mainly used for stationary installation & marine applications.
The cost of maintenance is low The cost of maintenance is high

What is a closed cycle?

noun. engineering a heat engine in which the working substance is continuously circulated and does not need replenishment.

What is gas turbine PPT?

A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a type of internal combustion engine. It has an upstream rotating compressor coupled toa downstream turbine, and a combustion chamber in-between. Energy is added to the gas stream in the combustor, where fuel is mixed with air and ignited.

What is the principle of gas turbine?

The gas-turbine operates on the principle of the Brayton cycle, where compressed air is mixed with fuel, and burned under constant pressure conditions. The resulting hot gas is allowed to expand through a turbine to perform work.

What is a common between an open cycle and closed cycle gas turbine?

The basic difference between them is the circulation of the working fluid. In the closed cycle gas turbine the same working fluid is circulated again and again within the turbine but in the open cycle gas turbine the working fluid i.e. air is replaced again and again while flowing through the gas turbine.

How does a closed-cycle gas turbine work?

The closed-cycle gas turbine working principle is based on the Brayton cycle or Joule’s cycle. In this type of gas turbine, the compressor is used to compress the gas isotropically and the resultant compressed gas flows into the heating chamber. The rotor type compressor is preferred in this turbine.

Why the closed gas turbine need pre cooler?

Its response to differential load is worse than that of an open cycle gas turbine. It requires very large heat exchangers because, indirectly, the working fluid is heated. An additional component pre-cooler is added to the closed cycle gas turbine, which requires a significant amount of cold water.