What is a Class B disease?

Class B conditions are defined as physical or mental health conditions, diseases, or disability serious in degree or permanent in nature.

What are the 14 serious childhood diseases?

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and the Vaccines that Prevent Them

Disease Vaccine
Pertussis Tdap* vaccine protects against pertussis.
Polio Polio vaccine protects against polio.
Pneumococcal Disease Pneumococcal vaccine protects against pneumococcal disease.
Rubella MMR*** vaccine protects against rubella.

What are the top 3 infectious diseases?

The world’s deadliest infections, including Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDS, have been considered as the “Big Three” infectious diseases (BTIDs). With leading infections and deaths every year, the BTIDs have been recognized as the world’s greatest pandemics.

What is class B in medical result?

CLASS B. Person having physical defects, disease or disability serious in degree or permanent in nature that. will impair his or her ability to earn a living as to make them likely to be a public charge. IF NOT CLASS A. CLASS C.

What is class B2 tuberculosis?

Class B2: The individual has a positive IGRA or TST, but other evaluation for active TB disease is negative. Class B3: The individual is a recent contact of an infectious TB case; an individual can have this designation along with another TB Class designation.

What are the common diseases?

Common Infectious Diseases

  • Chickenpox.
  • Common cold.
  • Diphtheria.
  • E. coli.
  • Giardiasis.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Influenza (flu)

What are the six killer diseases?

Since the successful eradication of smallpox with the use of the vaccine, many vaccines have become available to man. Of great importance to public and child health are the vaccines against the so-called six killer diseases of childhood-measles, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis and poliomyelitis.