What is a capsulotomy of the hip?

Capsulotomy, which is commonly performed in hip arthroscopy, assists visualization and instrument navigation. 1 Capsulotomy in conjunction with hip arthroscopy is indicated in treating femoroacetabular impingement or when large loose bodies need to be removed from the joint, among other indications.

What is Interportal capsulotomy?

The most common capsular entry technique is the interportal capsulotomy, where the capsule and iliofemoral ligament are incised in line between the anterolateral portal (ALP) and the mid-anterior portal (MAP) or direct anterior portal.

What is bilateral Capsulectomy?

During a total capsulectomy, a surgeon removes your breast implant and your entire capsule of scar tissue. Your surgeon may remove the implant first before removing the capsule. They then replace your implant once the capsule is removed.

What is capsular closure?

During hip arthroscopy the capsule is penetrated to improve access and visibility of the joint structures. Hip capsule closure is a procedure to repair the hip capsule after hip arthroscopy.

What is a cam lesion?

A CAM lesion is the formation of extra bone on the head of the femur (ball) resulting in a ‘bump’. This extra bone can cause pain as it impinges with the acetabulum (socket) with joint movement.

What is the Chondrolabral Junction?

The chondrolabral complex structure has an intrinsic weak point or a transition zone between the acetabular labrum and the acetabular articular cartilage, especially in the anterior segment (Figure 1) [9]. Figure 1. Diagram showing the transition zone of chondrolabral complex.

How painful is hip arthroscopy?

In most cases, you should be able to walk relatively free of pain about six to eight weeks following surgery. However, it could take three to six months or more to get back to an elite level of fitness. You can treat any unexpected increase in pain with ice and anti-inflammatory medicine.

What is the difference between Capsulectomy and capsulotomy?

During a capsulectomy, a surgeon removes all or part of your capsule from your breast and replaces your implant. During capsulotomy surgery, the capsule is partially removed or released.

Is Capsulectomy painful?

Explant with complete capsulectomy takes about two hours. This is significantly longer than just the implant surgery alone. Drainage tubes are required and stay in place for 3-5 days depending on the output. There is more pain with this procedure than implant removal alone.