What is a Cambridge Clarion Bible?
What is a Cambridge Clarion Bible?
Cambridge Clarion Bibles present the text in a single column, with the cross-references in the outer margin, giving the page a very well laid out appearance. The type size is just under 9 point with generous line spacing and is set in Lexicon No. 1, a modern digital font that is extremely readable even in small type.
What is a Pitt Minion Bible?
The Pitt Minion is a double column edition with a smaller font than the Clarion making it much thinner and even more portable. I’m reviewing the red letter ESV edition in black goatskin. Cambridge offers the Pitt Minion in multiple translations with different binding options and some in all black letter.
What is calf split leather?
‘Split’ refers to the underside of the hide; the other side, ‘top-grain’, is superior and more expensive. Goatskin. Calfskin. Cowhide.
Is top grain or full grain leather better?
Full-grain leather will always be stronger and more durable than top grain leather. This is because by sanding down the top layer, you also sand off the strong fibers in the hide. It is the best solution for a quality leather product.
How do you store a 100 year old Bible?
Store the Bible in a cool, dry place. For many of us, this means avoiding the basement, which may be too humid; the attic, which may be too hot; or, the garage, where it is difficult to control humidity and temperature.
Where should you keep your Bible?
If you close your Bible, put it back on the shelf, tuck it into a drawer, you’ll tend to overlook it. So leave your Bible out on the kitchen counter, on your night stand or coffee table. And leave it open. PRAYER: Holy Spirit, God and Lord, your word is life-giving.
Which animal leather is best?
Ostrich – Not only the finest but also the most durable leather. Buffalo – Extremely strong, durable and rugged on the contrary it is also soft and supple. Eel – Very thin and not strong however surprisingly soft, shiny and smooth. Stingray – Tough and durable as plastic and yet it has a beautiful appearance.
What can you do with old family in the Bible?
Often, however, an old Bible can be repaired easily, and many organizations—churches, prison ministries, and charities—are set up to recycle and reuse them. If your Bible has significant sentimental value, you might want to consider having it restored.
What do Catholics do with old Bibles?
Roman Catholic “There is no specifically mandated means of disposing of old Bibles. Some Catholics follow a custom of disposing of religious articles that have been blessed by either burying or burning. If not, dispose of it as you would any other book.