What is a blat file?

Blat is a Public Domain Windows 95/NT console utility that sends the contents of a file in an e-mail message using the SMTP protocol. Blat is useful for creating scripts where mail has to be sent automatically (CGI, backups, etc.), or just as a quick way to send a file or message quickly from the command line.

How do I use Blat email?

To get BlatDirTest.bat working in your environment, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Blat.
  2. Copy BlatDirTest.
  3. Configure the target directory you want to track.
  4. Configure the Subject line, the recipient’s email address, and the sender’s email address.

How do I install Blat on Windows?

How-To : Install Blat Command Line SMTP Mailer on Windows

  1. Install Blat Command Line SMTP Mailer.
  2. Save the zip file somewhere you can browse to.
  3. Then extract the files from the zip.
  4. Copy the blat.exe and other associated blat files to the C:\WINDOWS\System32 directory in Windows.

What is Blat SMTP?

Blat is a small, efficent SMTP command line mailer for Windows. It is the SMTP *sending* part of an eMail User Agent (MUA) or eMail client. As such, Blat sends eMail via SMTP (or internet eMail) from the command line, or CGI.

How do you run Blat?

Running blat in parallel To use blat in parallel, download GNU parallel and compile it. Download the hg19 chromosomes. Let’s align a bunch of long non coding RNAs (lncRNA) to hg19. Download the human lncRNA dataset from NONCODE and unzip it.

What is Blat in batch file?

Blat is a free tool that allows you to send emails from the command line or from a batch file. Of course, you can also use it with any scripting language that allows you to launch external commands. This can be useful, if you want to be informed when a script has failed or when it finished its job.

How do I configure email Windows clients using Blat and Nbmail CMD in Netbackup?


  1. Step 1: Installing and Configuring the BLAT executable. Extract the downloaded zip file in a new folder.
  2. Step 2: Modified the nbmail.cmd script. Open nbmail.
  3. Step 3: Configuring Netbackup to use email notification. Under Host Properties for the master server >> Universal Settings >> Administrator e-mail address:

What is the difference between Blat and blast?

More information can be found at NCBI. BLAT (BLAST-like Alignment Tool) is a sequence alignment tool similar to BLAST but structured differently. BLAT quickly finds similarity in DNA and protein but it needs an exact or nearly-exact match to find a hit. Therefore Blat is not as flexible as BLAST.

How is BLAT different from BLAST?

BLAT (BLAST-like Alignment Tool) is a sequence alignment tool similar to BLAST but structured differently. BLAT quickly finds similarity in DNA and protein but it needs an exact or nearly-exact match to find a hit. Therefore Blat is not as flexible as BLAST.

What is difference between BLAST and BLAT?

BLAST. Some of the differences between BLAT and BLAST are outlined below: BLAT indexes the genome/protein database, retains the index in memory, and then scans the query sequence for matches. BLAST, on the other hand, builds an index of the query sequences and searches through the database for matches.

How do you run BLAT?

What is BLAST in bioinformatics?

BLAST is an acronym for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool and refers to a suite of programs used to generate alignments between a nucleotide or protein sequence, referred to as a “query” and nucleotide or protein sequences within a database, referred to as “subject” sequences.