What is a Biak green tree python?

Biak is the largest island in its small archipelago, and has many atolls, reefs, and corals. Biaks tend to be one of the larger forms of Green Tree Pythons. An insular form, which is currently recognized as Morelia azurea. This locality type takes a long time complete the ontogenic color change.

How big do ARU green tree pythons get?

4 to 6 feet
Approximate sizes: Captive Bred Babies – sizes vary; Farm Bred are approximately 2 to 4 feet long. Reaches full adult size of 4 to 6 feet in approximately 48 months.

Can green tree pythons be friendly?

As pets, these are shy snakes that aren’t particularly high-maintenance (with the exception of the required humidity levels within their enclosure). Though vibrant and exotic, they will not tolerate being handled often, can be prone to biting when startled, and may not make as good a pet as some other snakes.

What is the most docile green tree python?

Sorong Green Tree Pythons
And while this may not be every one’s experience, the Sorong Green Tree Pythons seem to be one of the most docile. One of the most isolated populations of Green Tree Pythons can be found on Aru, a large Island to the South of West Papua. Like the Sorong, the Aru is a small locale that will always hatch yellow babies.

Are green tree snakes aggressive?

The Green Tree Snake is usually green but may also be black, blue or yellow. They can camouflage themselves on a tree. These snakes are harmless to humans, they have no venom and are not aggressive.

Are green tree pythons hard to keep?

Maintaining green tree pythons in captivity is not too difficult. While they do require a more specialized setup than other commonly kept herps such as corn snakes or ball pythons, they are more than worth the effort.

Do green tree python bites hurt?

Green Tree Pythons may be a little intimidating and scary to some people, but besides having a painful bite, they are pretty much harmless.

Can green tree pythons be blue?

Juvenile green tree pythons are typically yellow, red or dark brown-black. As they mature, their color changes to the bright green many adults display. Some individuals keep their bright-yellow juvenile colors, and some turn straight to blue. Each color is unique and stunning in its own way.

What snake makes the best pet?

The Top 10 Best Snake Pets to Own

  1. Corn Snake. One number one choice for the best snake pet is the corn snake.
  2. 2. California Kingsnake. The second pick on this list is the California kingsnake.
  3. Ball Python.
  4. Western Hognose Snake.
  5. Rosy Boa.
  6. Garter Snake.
  7. Milk Snake.
  8. Gopher Snake.

How aggressive are green tree pythons?

Green tree pythons have gotten a bad rap over the years. They have a reputation of being aggressive, but for the most part this is untrue. Their attitude can be a reflection of how they’ve been treated.

How much is a green tree python?

How much does a green tree python cost? On average, a green tree python will cost between $500 and $750 for a baby snake. A yearling that is beginning to change color will be $800 and up. Adults can go for over $900 once their color is known.