What is a BGAN antenna?
What is a BGAN antenna?
BGAN is the leading technology for combining voice/video/data capability with a small form factor for man/vehicle portability and the capability for on-the-move communications.
What band does BGAN use?
L-band frequency
What frequency band does BGAN use? BGAN uses L-band frequency, with the terminal receiving (Rx) frequencies of 1525.0-1559.0MHz and transmitting (Tx) frequencies of 1626.5-1660.5MHz.
How fast is BGAN?
BGAN is capable of being used in both fixed and vehicular applications, achieving Standard IP data speeds of up to 492kbps and streaming speeds from 32bps to 800kbps (BGAN HDR).
What is BGAN and VSAT?
VSAT is best for a permanent installation that needs ample bandwidth, for example, to provide Internet to many users at the same time in hard to reach areas. BGAN is more appropriate for eventual or mobile use: emergency equipment, live video streaming in remote sites, vehicles at sea and on land.
What is BGAN Internet?
BGAN (pronounced ‘Be-gan’) is short for ‘broadband global area network”. Basically, BGAN terminals are the size of a laptop and connect to the internet through a satellite connection no matter where you are in the world.
What is a BGAN phone?
You may be familiar with the BGAN, or Broadband Global Area Network. It’s a global network that utilizes portable terminals which can be used to connect a laptop or BGAN satellite phone models to broadband internet in a variety of locations, including remote places with no other available signal.
What is the meaning of VSAT?
very small aperture terminal
A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a small-sized earth station used in the transmit/receive of data, voice and video signals over a satellite communication network, excluding broadcast television.
What is BGAN M2M?
BGAN M2M provides a reliable, global, two-way IP data service for IoT applications designed for long-term management of remote assets. BGAN M2M connects monitoring and control applications in remote, unmanned locations, giving full visibility and management of all of your assets across an entire operational area.
What is BGAN Link?
BGAN Link by Inmarsat is a broadband data service for users who require high monthly volumes of Standard IP data for sustained periods of operation. BGAN Link provides companies working in a remote area with access to standard office applications, such as email, internet and VPN.