What is a better word for filled?

bursting. adjectiveas full as possible. brimming. crammed. filled.

Which is the closest synonym for the word humorously?

synonyms for humorously

  • amusingly.
  • jokingly.
  • absurdly.
  • facetiously.
  • ironically.
  • jocosely.
  • jovially.
  • ludicrously.

What word means filled with?

stuffed with. abounding. awash. bursting. bursting at the seams with.

What’s another word for light hearted?

OTHER WORDS FOR lighthearted cheery, joyful, blithe, happy, glad, merry, jovial, jocund.

Is filled a correct word?

Fill is a verb, and means ‘make or become full’. The -ed form is filled: Can you fill this bottle with water for me? She has filled my life with happiness.

What does it mean to be filled with something?

to cause a person, place, or period of time to have a lot of something: His childhood was filled with happiness. The kitchen is filled with the smell of fresh coffee.

What is the synonym of sarcastic?

Some common synonyms of sarcastic are ironic, sardonic, and satiric. While all these words mean “marked by bitterness and a power or will to cut or sting,” sarcastic implies an intentional inflicting of pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing. a critic known for his sarcastic remarks.

What is the synonym of stuffed?

adjectiveoverflowing; up to the top. awash. chock-full. crammed. crowded.

What is a light hearted laugh?

The most likely answer for the clue is HEEHEE. We found more than 1 answers for Lighthearted Laugh.

What is another word for comedic?

What is another word for comedic?

funny comical
humorous hilarious
comic droll
laughable uproarious
farcical chucklesome