What is a Bessie bug?
What is a Bessie bug?
Betsy bug, also called “Bessie bug” or “Bess bug,” refers to the 1.5-inch-long, shiny black beetle (Odontotaenius disjunctus), also called a patent leather beetle, horn beetle, horned passalus, or pinch bug.
What does the saying crazy as a betsy bug mean?
agitated, irrational, erratic
There is, however, also the expression “crazy as a bessie bug,” meaning “agitated, irrational, erratic,” which is apparently common in the southern US states and has been since at least the late 19th century.
Where does the saying crazy as a Bessie bug come from?
Cecily from Indianapolis, Indiana, recalls her North Carolina-born grandmother would describe someone doing something stupid as being crazy as a betsy bug. The phrase alludes to the horned beetle, also known as the patent-leather beetle, a large black insect that makes a whirring noise when disturbed.
What is special about Bess bugs?
Bess beetles look menacing, but are surprisingly gentle But rest assured, they don’t bite, and don’t even grab hold of your fingers with their feet the way scarab beetles do. Because they’re so easygoing and big, they make good first pets for young insect lovers.
What do a Bessie bug look like?
A Bessie bug, Bess bug, or Betsy bug (Odontotaenius disjunctus)is a 1.5-inch long black beetle that is also known as a patent leather beetle (because of their shiny black wing), horn beetle, pinch bug, or horned passalus.
Are bed bugs crazy?
Thus, it would appear that the bedbug’s “craziness” was more along the lines of unpredictability rather than dementia. However, even if these insects are not insane themselves, bed bugs really do make people crazy, The impact of bed bugs is more than skin deep- it affects people’s minds.
Do bess beetles bite humans?
Bess beetles are considered docile. They may give a little pinch if handled roughly or threatened. Bess beetles sometimes harbor mites. These don’t bite and are considered harmless to humans.
Can bess beetles fly?
Larvae can be found throughout the summer in these logs and adults can be found year-round. Adults may also be caught at black lights, often approaching the light source on foot since they rarely fly. Although there is only one species in Kentucky, there are over 500 species of bess beetles in the world.
How do you care for a bess beetle?
Bess beetles like moist wood, but not soaking wet. Mist your habitat with water about once a day. Let chlorinated tap water sit for 48 hours prior to misting for chlorine to dissipate. Keep the habitat at room temperature and away from direct light.
Do rich people have bed bugs?
As long as there’s a source of blood available to them, they will happily take up residence in even the most pristine home. Bed bugs don’t care how much money you make. Being poor does not put you at greater risk of bed bugs, and having wealth does not immunize you.