What is a Baldwin spinet worth?
What is a Baldwin spinet worth?
The Baldwin Acrosonic, a quality spinet piano, was priced at $400 about 40 years ago and lately has brought $1,400. A Kimball spinet that sold for $600 in 1975 now is worth $1,800. Grand pianos generally appreciate more than verticals, and higher-quality pianos increase more in value than less expensive ones.
What is the cost of a spinet piano?
Under $1,500.00: For this price you can, with luck, find a reconditioned spinet or console from a dealer. The dealer is likely to have taken the piano in on trade. A piano like this will be reconditioned.
How much does a Baldwin piano cost?
If you search online for Baldwin prices, you can see most Baldwin’s cost well over $2,000, some of them can be as expensive as $40,000 to $120,000! Of course, price depends on a lot of factors. The biggest being: age, wood, piano type, size, and if the actual model of piano is still manufactured.
Are Baldwin spinet pianos good?
The Baldwin Acrosonic piano is broadly divided into the Spinet Piano and Console Piano, based on their size and when they were made. Both varieties have the supreme sound promised by the name and having practiced on both, I can say that both do work well, yet one is preferable over the other.
Are Baldwin pianos good quality?
Baldwin Pianos of the ‘golden era’ are considered one of the best sounding and best-playing instruments in the world. Vintage, quality-built Baldwins are known for their responsive touch, tone, and solid durability, and found in musical venues throughout the world.
Is Baldwin piano still in business?
The Baldwin Piano Company is an American piano brand. It was once the largest US-based manufacturer of keyboard instruments and known by the slogan, “America’s Favorite Piano”. It ceased most domestic production in December 2008, moving its total production to China.
Are spinet pianos still being made?
New spinets are no longer being manufactured, but many older ones are still on the used-piano market. Beginners can learn to play on a spinet, but expect to have to upgrade to a better instrument soon. See this article in “Piano-Buying Basics” for more information about piano types and sizes.
Is a spinet piano worth it?
The small soundboards, short strings and compromised action design make spinets terrible pianos for any player. Consequently, you will see a lot of them for sale in classified ads and low quality piano stores. Regardless of the overall condition, spinet pianos should never be selected for beginning students.