What is a 9-word email?

The nine-word email is basically an email that doesn’t have anything on it except the nine-word (or less) question that you have designed to engage your potential client into a dialogue.

How would you implement the 9-word email in your marketing strategy?

How to Create a 9-Word Email

  1. Avoid adding any unnecessary fluff. The email should include the absolute minimum word count you can manage.
  2. Remember that the email’s purpose is to re-engage, not to make an outright sale. Don’t be pushy.
  3. Address the recipient directly.
  4. Make it about the recipient.

Who invented the 9-word email?

The 9-word email is a marketing technique first created by Dean Jackson, a successful internet marketer and entrepreneur. Dean developed the 9-word email in an effort to engage with old-leads inside his database.

Why is email marketing important?

More importantly, email marketing allows you to build relationships with leads, customers and past customers. It’s your opportunity to speak directly to them in their inbox, at a time that is convenient for them. Coupled with the right messaging, email can become one of your most impactful marketing channels.

What are the 5 folders that all emails have?

The Five Email Folder Rule

  • Inbox: Your Inbox is your arrivals lounge.
  • Today: Everything that requires a response today.
  • This Week: Everything that requires a response before the end of the week.
  • This Month: Everything that needs a longer-term response.
  • Holding: This is the game changer.

What are the 9 steps to executing targeted emails?

9 Steps to Running a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

  1. Step 1: Define Your Goals.
  2. Step 2: Define Your Offer.
  3. Step 3: Build Your Targeted Email List.
  4. Step 4: Consider Different Email Campaign Types.
  5. Step 5: Choose Your Subject Line and Write Your Copy.
  6. Step 6: Design Your Email.
  7. Step 7: Test Your Emails.
  8. Step 8: Schedule it.

How do I organize my work emails?

Tips for effective email organization

  1. Move emails into labeled folders.
  2. Categorize each email.
  3. Delete emails that are no longer relevant.
  4. Schedule time each week to organize your emails.
  5. Respond right away.
  6. Convert the email to a task.
  7. Create rules to automatically file or archive certain emails.

How do I organize my work inbox?

9 Steps to Organizing Your Inbox Today

  1. Organizing is a daily task.
  2. Commit to a filing system that is flexible.
  3. Keep those files clean and tidy.
  4. Use the FAST system.
  5. Set your spam filter.
  6. Friends don’t let friends send anything to work email addresses.
  7. Don’t give out your work email address.

How do I create an email list?


  1. Step 1 – Choose your email marketing provider.
  2. Step 2 – Set up your email marketing account.
  3. Step 3 – Create an opt-in form for your website.
  4. Step 4 – Write your first newsletter.
  5. Step 5 – Create a welcome message.
  6. Step 6 – Design a freebie.
  7. Step 7 – Create a landingpage.

What is a good work email?

The most standard and recommended form of a professional email address is of course the [email protected] format. But there are some other ways you can get a professional email address, such as: [email protected]. [email protected].

What do you write in an email when applying for a job?

This means that the intent of the email is to let the recipient know: 1 Why you are writing 2 Which job you are applying for 3 What your qualifications are for the job 4 What you have to offer the company 5 How you will follow up or how the recipient can get in touch with you

How can the email help me get a job?

The email will enhance your job prospects through leads and introductions. It will also kickstart your job hunt and expand the types of opportunities you might consider for yourself. I’m looking for my next gig at the intersection of [TYPE OF INDUSTRY] and [TYPE OF INDUSTRY].

What is a job email template?

A job email template is an outline to guide your electronic communications with current or future employers. The template typically contains key headings and section placeholders that are filled with the applicable specific content when drafting individual emails.

What should I include in my email to the hiring manager?

Subject line: Since hiring managers receive a lot of emails, make it easy for them to filter application emails. Include your name and the job title you are applying for in the message’s subject line. If a job has been assigned a posting number (as happens on Craigslist), provide this as well. For example: