What is a 6mm rifle used for?

24/6mm bullet. Known for a combination of high velocity, long range, flat trajectory, and accuracy, it is suitable as a dual use hunting cartridge for both medium-sized big game and varmints. When used in the less common earlier slow twist barrels, it offers exceptional range for varmint applications.

Is the 6mm Remington still in production?

The changes had little effect on the market and the 6mm Remington has dwindled ever since. Remington have not produced 6mm Remington caliber rifles for several years and the 244/6mm Remington is today, somewhat of a classic cartridge. This cartridge is also occasionally adopted by hunters as a custom rifle chambering.

What is the difference between a 243 and a 6 mm?

243 rounds have a lot more velocity than all the other rounds, not just the 6mm Creedmoor rounds. For muzzle velocities, the . 243 rounds have an average of 3,322 fps, two light weight bullets included, while the 6mm Creedmoor rounds have an average muzzle velocity of 3,073 fps.

What can I hunt with 6mm?

A 6mm or . 243-inch bullet is a perfect round for varmint hunting and white tail deer. Also shooting a 6mm round produces less felt recoil than the larger caliber bullets.

Can you shoot a 6mm bullet in a 243 rifle?

The bullets are the same, and if you were to reload, you’d use the same box of bullets for a 6mm as for a 243. The cartidge cases that hold the powder for each caliber are very different, however, and are NOT interchangable. Factory ammo from one will not work safely in the other.

Can you shoot 6mm Creedmoor in a 6mm Remington?

No, they are two different cartridges with the same diameter bullet. You will have to load them or get a hold of a custom ammo shop.

Can a .243 shoot 6mm?

neck case length on the 6mm is longer. the . 243 will chamber and shoot, but because of excess bullet jump, accuracy won’t be too good.