What is a 5 letter word with EA?

5-letter words starting with EA

Eadys EAfrE
easts eated
eaten eater
eathe Eaton
eaved eaves

What are the examples of the EA sound?

Examples of Sentences using EA Words

Word Sentence
Breach Yesterday there was a security breach at the office
Teach He is going to teach us science
Dream I saw a dream yesterday and even today
Stream We all sat in a room and saw the gamer’s live stream

What words have the letters EA?

Study the word list: ea words – set 1

reach The higher shelf is out of my reach.
teach They’ll teach us to abseil at the rock-climbing club.
deal His manner conveyed a great deal of arrogance.
heal My arm took a long time to heal.
cream I often have ice cream for dessert.

What are some long EA words?

Some long ea words include: seal, heat, meal, fear, real, dean, treat…etc. Usually long ea words are taught with long ee words like: feel, sleet, free, gleam, bleak, seem, cheek…etc.

How do you teach EA sound words?

EE and EA sometimes spell the long e sound in the beginning, middle, or end of a base word. Neither one is more common, so these will simply have to be memorized. One trick is to use a guide word with each spelling when introducing these. So you would introduce ee with the word tree, and ea with the word meat.

How many EA words are there?

Thankfully, the largest category is the short e sound, with 22 words. So the good news is that a total of 78% of the words spelled ea are pronounced with either a long e or a short e. But what about the rest of them? First we have the eight words that are spelled ear and pronounced as schwa+r.

What is the vowel sound of EA?

Spelling the short vowel sound /ĕ/ : e or ea

e as in elephant. ea as in bread.
Learn the Words: Learn the Words:

What are short EA words?

Special Category: “ea” as short e

breakfast breast dead
deadly deadlock deaf
displeasure dread endeavor
feather head instead
jealous leather measure

How many sounds can EA make?

Letter to sounds associations The alphabet letter combination ea makes 6 sounds.

How many ways can you pronounce EA?

Pronunciation of ‘ea’ spelling – A It shows seven different ways to pronounce the letters ‘ea’.

Is EA a short e sound?

Vowel team ea is pronounced with the long e as in seat AND short e as in head. Sort the Spelling Words by the vowel team /ea/ sounds.