What is a 23 gauge pin nailer good for?

You can use it for attaching glass re- tainers to cabinet doors, cross pinning dowels or tacking trim to projects and cabinetry to hold it securely while the glue sets. So it’s handy, but you probably won’t need a pinner for every project.

What is a 23 gauge nail gun used for?

Product Overview. The BANKS® 23 GA Pin Nailer is ideal for fastening all types of trim and molding without splitting the wood. The lightweight, narrow body tool is easy to handle, making it ideal for cabinet trim.

What gauge is a micro Pinner?

The pneumatic 23-gauge 1″ Micro Pinner includes a belt hook, air tool oil, and adjustment tools.

What is a micro Pinner used for?

Also called pinners, headless pinners or micro-pinners, these specialized pneumatic fastening guns deliver substantial benefits that few home workshoppers have experienced yet. They’re also quiet and pleasant to use. How do they work? All pin nailers shoot the same kind of ultrathin metal fasteners.

How big is a 23 gauge nail?

23 Gauge Headless Pin Nails (10-51mm Length)

Which is smaller 18 gauge or 23 gauge?

The difference between them is the gauge nail that they shoot. The most common and readily available types are 15 gauge, 16 gauge, 18 gauge, and 23 gauge. The higher the number, the thinner the nail and the smaller the hole.

What kind of nail gun do I need for baseboards?

As we discussed earlier with nail guns – the best baseboard nails are probably going to be 6d (2”) or 8d (2.5” for baseboard). These can easily accommodate 15 gauge or 16 gauge nails, giving you a long, durable nail for thick baseboards and studs.

What are micro pins?

Product Overview. These Micro pins fit many brands of pinners. The advantages of this ultra-slim fastener are no holes to fill, no large head showing on finished products, and the ability to get into tight spaces. Often used in conjunction with an adhesive.