What is a 2.0 GPA at SFU?

the SGPA is 2.00 or higher, but the CGPA is less than 2.00, the student shall continue on academic probation. the SGPA is less than 2.00, but the CGPA is 2.00 or higher, the student continues on academic probation (this could occur if a student repeats a course).

What percentage is a B+ SFU?

The Labour Studies Program grading policy

Letter Grade Percentage Range Grade Point
A+ A A- 95–100 90–94 85–89 4.33 4.00 3.67
B+ B B- 80–84 75–79 70–74 3.33 3.00 2.67
C+ C 65–69 60–64 2.33 2.00
C- D 55–59 50–54 1.67 1.00

What percent is a C at SFU?

SIAT grading scale (recommended)

Letter grade SIAT recommended % grade Definition
B- 70-74.5
C+ 65-69.5 Satisfactory performance
C 60-64.5
C- 55-59.5

Is a 3.5 GPA good?

But, a grade point average of 3.5 and above is good in college. 3.5 GPA students normally qualify for the dean’s list and honors programs. The average GPA in four-year undergraduate courses in U.S. colleges is 3.15. So, we can confidently say that yes, a 3.5 GPA is good in college.

Does SFU grade on a curve?

This course is not graded on such a curve — there is no pre-set number of letter grades that will be given out.

What percentage is a B SFU?

SIAT grading scale (recommended)

Letter grade SIAT recommended % grade Definition
A- 85-89.5
B+ 80-84.5 Good performance
B 75-79.5
B- 70-74.5

What is a 3.5 GPA in Canada?

What is a 4.0 GPA in Canada?

Letter Grade Description GPA
A+ Exceptional 4.5
A Excellent 4
B+ Very good 3.5
B Good 3