What is a 1st ray amputation?

A partial first ray amputation, an amputation at any level of the hallux or first metatarsal, is a common limb salvage procedure in many of these diabetic patients.

What is a ray amputation of foot?

Ray amputation, which involves the excision of the toe and part of the metatarsal, provides a more viable option of ensuring an adequate surgical debridement of the septic margins.

What is a partial Ray amputation of foot?

Partial first-ray resections are used to help salvage the foot and maintain bipedal ambulation. Losing the first metatarsophalangeal joint has biomechanical consequences that lead to further foot deformities and result in more proximal amputations of the ipsilateral limb, such as a transmetatarsal amputation.

Does first ray amputation in diabetic patients influence gait and quality of life?

Pain and lower quality of life were related to worsening biomechanical data. Our study results have shown that gait biomechanics in diabetic patients with first ray amputation are abnormal, probably owing to the severity of diabetes and the absence of the push-off phase provided by the hallux.

What is the first ray of the foot?

The first ray is the segment of the foot composed of the first metatarsal and first cuneiform bones. The location of this joint is important as it intersects the transverse and medial longitudinal arches. This segment serves as a critical element in the structural integrity of the foot.

Where is the first metatarsal?

The first metatarsal bone is the bone in the foot just behind the big toe. The first metatarsal bone is the shortest of the metatarsal bones and by far the thickest and strongest of them.

What is a second ray amputation?

Second ray amputation surgical technique With a skin marker, a dorsal longitudinal incision following the shaft of the second metatarsal and then curving around the base of the 2nd toe at the level of the metatarsophalangeal joint (racquet-type incision) was planned (Figure 3A).

What does first ray mean?

What bones are on the first ray?

The first ray is a single foot segment consisting of the first metatarsal and first cuneiform bones.