What is 150ml in grams?

Grams to mL conversions

Grams Water (mL) Cooking oil (mL)
13 g 13 mL 14.13 mL
14 g 14 mL 15.217 mL
15 g 15 mL 16.304 mL
16 g 16 mL 17.391 mL

What measurement is 150 grams?

3/4 cup
Cups To Grams Conversions (Metric)

Cup Grams
1/2 cup 100 grams
5/8 cup 125 grams
2/3 cup 135 grams
3/4 cup 150 grams

How many cups is 150g of?

1 cup
Dried ingredient measurements

Cups Grams Ounces
1 cup flour 150g 5.3 oz
1 cup caster sugar 225g 7.9 oz
1 cup icing sugar 115g 4 oz
1 cup brown sugar 175g 6.2 oz

How many milligrams is 150ml?

Milliliter to Milligram Converter metric conversion table

Milliliter to Milligram Converter metric conversion table
0.01 ml = 10 mg 0.1 ml = 100 mg 151 ml = 151000 mg
0.02 ml = 20 mg 0.2 ml = 200 mg 152 ml = 152000 mg
0.03 ml = 30 mg 0.3 ml = 300 mg 153 ml = 153000 mg
0.04 ml = 40 mg 0.4 ml = 400 mg 154 ml = 154000 mg

How much is 100 ml in grams?

The answer is 1.173552765377. We assume you are converting between milliliter and gram [sugar].

How much is 150g flour in cups?


All-purpose flour Bread Flour 1 cup = 150 g
¼ cup = 37 g
Cake & Pastry Flour
½ cup = 65 g
1⁄3 cup = 45 g

Is 150 mg the same as 1 ml?

Notice there is an extra thousandth on the weight unit. Therefore, there must be 1,000 milligrams in a milliliter, making the formula for mg to ml conversion: mL = mg / 1000 .

What is 125mg in ML?

5 mL
To do this, divide the stock dose (125 mg) by the volume it comes in (5 mL).