What is 0351 in the Marines?
What is 0351 in the Marines?
Categorized as a military occupational specialty (MOS) 0351, Infantry Assault Marines (formerly Infantry Assaultmen) are, as the name implies, found in the assault section of Marine weapons platoons of infantry rifle companies.
Is 0351 still an MOS?
All existing 0351s will be reclassified to 0311 on Oct. 2, 2020, according to the Marine Corps. The reason that is happening is so as each infantry battalion converts from fiscal year 2021 to 2023, they can assign the needed MOS-specific Marines to the new formations, said Master Gunnery Sgt.
What is an NMOS USMC?
Necessary (NMOS) – A non-PMOS that has a prerequisite of one or more PMOSs. This MOS identifies a particular skill or training that is in addition to a Marine’s PMOS, but can only be filled by a Marine with a specific PMOS.
What does an 0351 do?
The 0351 infantry assaultman, one of the Marine Corps’ five core infantry positions, is tasked with breaching, demolition, and rocket fire against fortified positions. Assaultmen carry the MK-153 shoulder-launched multipurpose assault weapon, or SMAW.
What is a TOW gunner Marines?
An Marine Corps Antitank Missileman – Tow Gunner (MOS 0352) are specialists in a unique, highly complicated weapons systems. Marine Corps Antitank Missileman – Tow Gunner provide medium and heavy anti-armor fire in support of the infantry battalion, tank battalion, LAR battalion, and MAGTF.
What MOS is 8011 USMC?
Basic Marine with Enlistment Guarantee
MOS 8011 — Basic Marine with Enlistment Guarantee Job Description: A Marine whose military qualifications and experience are not developed to be sufficient or adequate for qualification in other MOSs.
Why don t Marines have tanks?
“We have sufficient evidence to conclude that this capability [tanks], despite its long and honorable history in the wars of the past, is operationally unsuitable for our highest-priority challenges in the future,” the report said about the divestment of Marine tanks.