What interval is a to C sharp?

2. Between A and C there are 3 semitones — it’s a minor third. 3. We have to decrease the interval because of the sharp sign.

IS F to C Perfect 4th?

A perfect fourth is made up of five half steps. A perfect fourth is made up of five semitones. C to F is a perfect fourth.

What is the pitch that is a M6 below C?

6th intervals below note C

Short Medium Intervals ‘below’ statement
d6 dim6 The diminished 6th interval below Abb is C
m6 min6 The minor 6th interval below Ab is C
M6 maj6 The major 6th interval below A is C
A6 aug6 The augmented 6th interval below A# is C

What interval is G to D?

5th intervals above note G

Short Medium Intervals ‘above’ statement
d5 dim5 The G to Db interval is diminished 5th
P5 perf5 The G to D interval is perfect 5th
A5 aug5 The G to D# interval is augmented 5th

What is a perfect 4th above C sharp?

C-sharp 4th inverted intervals For example, in the steps above, one of the intervals we measured was a perfect 4th above C#, which is note F#. In contrast, an inverted interval specifies the distance from F# to C# – ie. note C# is above note F#.

What interval is B to C sharp?

7th intervals above note C-sharp

Short Medium Intervals ‘above’ statement
d7 dim7 The C# to Bb interval is diminished 7th
m7 min7 The C# to B interval is minor 7th
M7 maj7 The C# to B# interval is major 7th
A7 aug7 The C# to B## interval is augmented 7th

Why is 4th and 5th perfect?

The term perfect identifies the perfect fifth as belonging to the group of perfect intervals (including the unison, perfect fourth and octave), so called because of their simple pitch relationships and their high degree of consonance.

Do major 4ths exist?

Yes. In quarter-tone terminology, a major fourth is midway between the perfect fourth and the tritone… and a minor fifth is midway between the tritone and the perfect fifth.

What is a perfect fifth above C?

For example, the interval from C to G is a perfect fifth, as the note G lies seven semitones above C.

What is a 3rd above C?

For example, in the steps above, one of the intervals we measured was a major 3rd above C, which is note E.

What interval is C to C?

Second step: interval quality

distance in semi-tones Name Example
9 major 6th D-B
10 augmented 6th C-A#
9 diminished 7th C#-Bb
10 minor 7th C-Bb