What history is taught in Australian schools?
What history is taught in Australian schools?
Most early settlement history is taught in primary school, where children learn about European exploration and the First Fleet, Aboriginal perspectives and resistance, and the Australian colonies. In years 7 and 8, students learn about “the ancient past”, including ancient Australia.
What is history Australian Curriculum?
The Australian Curriculum: History is organised into two interrelated strands: historical knowledge and understanding and historical inquiry and skills. Historical knowledge and understanding strand. This strand includes personal, family, local, state or territory, national, regional and world history.
What is included in the Australian curriculum?
Alongside disciplinary knowledge, the Australian Curriculum provides seven general capabilities: Literacy; Numeracy; Information and Communication Technology Capability; Critical and Creative Thinking; Personal and Social Capability; Ethical Understanding; and Intercultural Understanding.
Is history a compulsory subject in Australia?
‘In the final version agreed today, Australian History content is now compulsory in both Year 9 and 10, where it had previously been optional.
Is history still taught in Australian schools?
From years 7-10, history is a compulsory subject in NSW schools. After that, students may choose whether to go on to study further history in Ancient or Modern History electives. The Modern History Year 11 and 12 curriculum includes a broader range of historical events, covering many of those listed above.
Do Australian schools teach Australian history?
Victoria is now the only state teaching Australian history at year 12. Even here it is not in robust health. About 15 per cent of year 12 history students study Australian history, equivalent to fewer than 2 per cent of all year 12 students.
What are the 7 historical concepts?
The seven key concepts in History are: perspectives • continuity and change • cause and effect • evidence • empathy • significance • contestability. The concept of perspectives is an important part of historical inquiry.
What are the 5 historical concepts?
In History the key concepts are sources, evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, significance, perspectives, empathy and contestability.
What are the 8 curriculum areas?
There are eight curriculum areas:
- Expressive arts.
- Health and wellbeing.
- Languages (including English, Gàidhlig, Gaelic learners, modern languages and classical languages)
- Mathematics.
- Religious and moral education (including Religious and moral education and Religious education in Roman Catholic schools)
- Sciences.
Do they teach history in schools?
The evidence is overwhelming that American history is taught in the vast majority of schools in three cycles, and it is certain that nearly all the pupils enrolled in the schools study it in the middle grades and in the junior high school.
When was Aboriginal history taught in Australian schools?
In the early-mid 1800s, children were taught about First Peoples as: “… a race of savages who are amongst the lowest and most degraded that are to be found in the world.” In the 1870s, as education became compulsory, school readers included stories of Australian exploration.