What happens when you touch an electroscope with a charged rod?

The electroscope has a net neutral charge and the rubber rod has a net negative charge. If they are brought into contact, they will both take a net negative charge.

What happens when a positively charged rod is brought near a positively charged electroscope?

When a positive charge is placed near the disc of the electroscope, the electrons are attracted and the protons get accumulated in each leaf. So, the leaves of the electroscope repel.

What happens when an electroscope is charged?

In the induction process of charging, a charged object is brought near to but not touching the electroscope. The presence of the charged object above the plate of the electroscope, induces electrons within the electroscope to move accordingly.

What happens when you touch a negatively charged electroscope?

When a negatively charged electroscope is touched, electrons leave the electroscope to the ground. Since electrons repel other electrons, their tendency is to spread out as far as possible through any conductor. To excess electrons, the farther away that they can be from one another, the better.

What would happen if you touched the knob of a positively charged electroscope with negatively charged object?

{When the electroscope knob is positively charged, the two blades are charged with the same charge and will stay apart, but when it comes into contact with a negatively charged object, the negative charges will attract the positive charges located on the sheets causing them to come closer or get together .}

What happens to the positively charged glass rod and to the electroscope when the rod came in contact with the ball of electroscope?

(b) When the rod is touched against the ball, electrons are attracted and transferred, reducing the net charge on the glass rod but leaving the electroscope positively charged.

When a rod is brought near a neutral electroscope?

positive and the leaves are negative C. negative and the leaves are positive D. negative and the leaves are negative 20. When a rod is brought near a neutral electroscope, the leaves diverge.

When you charge an electroscope by touching it with a charged balloon the process is called?

During the process of induction charging, the role of the balloon is to simply induce a movement of electrons from one can to the other can.

What happens when you touch a negatively charged object?

Charging by Conduction Using a Positively Charged Object. The previous example of charging by conduction involved touching a negatively charged object to a neutral object. Upon contact, electrons moved from the negatively charged object onto the neutral object. When finished, both objects were negatively charged.

Why must you touch a charged object to the metal rod of an electroscope and not the rubber stopper?

Why is it important to touch the object to the metal rod, and not to the stopper? a. The metal rod is a conductor, so electrons can easily move down the rod to the metal leaves or u pthe rod from the metal leaves and confirm any charge present. The rubber stopper is an insulator.

What happens when a positively charged bar is touched to a negatively charged bar?

To make a negatively charged rod grounded the electrons go from the hand to the ground. What happens when a positively-charged rod is touched to a negatively-charged rod? Some electrons will travel to the positively charged rod.

What happens when a positively charged rod is touched by a negatively charged rod?

When two positively charged objects are brought near each other, a similar repulsive force is produced. When a negatively charged object is brought near a positively charged object, an attractive force is produced.