What happens when dengue happens second time?

People who are infected a subsequent time with a different type of the dengue virus may experience something called “antibody-dependent enhancement.” This condition occurs when the immune response actually makes the clinical symptoms of dengue worse, increasing the risk of severe dengue.

Does dengue affect second time?

Once a person has been infected with one strain, their body will build up an immunity to only that strain of the virus. This means that a person can become infected with dengue fever another 3 times in their life. Moreover, each dengue fever reinfection is much more dangerous than the previous infection.

How is second dengue infection treated?

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection. If you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding. You should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and see your doctor.

Can dengue happen twice in a month?

A patient can get dengue from two or more different strains of dengue. Hence a patient can suffer from dengue more than once. When Dengue Strikes Twice: When patients are infected with the dengue virus they can come down with dengue hemorrhagic fever and suffer massive internal bleeding and liver damage.

How many times dengue can happen?

Dengue is caused by one of any of four related viruses: Dengue virus 1, 2, 3, and 4. For this reason, a person can be infected with a dengue virus as many as four times in his or her lifetime.

How many times can one get dengue?

What are the symptoms of dengue in child?

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Dengue Fever?

  • high fever, possibly as high as 105°F (40°C)
  • pain behind the eyes and in the joints, muscles and/or bones.
  • severe headache.
  • rash over most of the body.
  • mild bleeding from the nose or gums.
  • bruising easily.

How do you treat a child with dengue?

Like most viral infections there is no specific treatment for Dengue, only simple supportive care with fluids. No antibiotics are needed to treat this viral infection. Bring the temperature down. A very high temperature can be dangerous and can cause fits in young children known as febrile convulsions.

Can a 2 year old get dengue?

Dengue is extremely common in tropical areas and it can also infect anyone within any age group, whether it’s children or adults. However, children are more prone to this disease as they play outdoors and are also not completely aware of the complexities of these mosquito bites.

How do I know if my child has dengue?