What happens in Person of Interest Season 2?

Season summary Reese and Finch encounter Sameen Shaw, a U.S. Army ISA assassin, on the run after being betrayed by her employers. Shaw learns about the Machine in the season two finale and subsequently becomes a member of Reese and Finch’s team.

What is the best episode of Person of Interest?

The Top 10 Person of Interest Episodes

  • 8 “Relevance” (Season 2)
  • 7 “The Crossing” (Season 3)
  • 6 “The Day the World Went Away” (Season 5)
  • 5 “Deus Ex Machina” (Season 3)
  • 4 “6,741” (Season 5)
  • 3 “The Devil’s Share” (Season 3)
  • 2 “return 0” (Season 5)
  • 1 “If-Then-Else” (Season 4)

Does John come back in person of interest?

Reese eventually decides to go back to New York and he and Fusco save Finch from Vigilance during a bank raid. At the Library, Reese says that the only reason he came back is because Finch is too valuable a friend to lose. He then leaves despite Finch’s efforts to convince him to come back (“Aletheia”).

Does Finch survive person of interest?

In the Person of Interest series finale, Samaritan was finally defeated, and John Reese (Jim Caviezel) – one of the show’s two leads – sacrificed himself to save Finch. In the end, Finch got his happy ending.

What episode does Reese find Finch?

The Contingency
This is the first episode in which Finch and Reese don’t see each other since they met in the pilot. “The Contingency” contains several allusions to the 1988 film “Midnight Run”.

How many episodes are in Person of Interest Season 2?

22Person of Interest / Number of episodes

Which is the best season in Person of Interest?

The second season of Person of Interest laid the foundation for what would become the most remarkable season of the show. With the introduction of Sameen Shaw and the more frequent return of Root, the show’s second season continued on the impressive first season but also understood what it needed to do to get better.

Why did they stop making Person of Interest?

With Warner Bros. behind the series, CBS decided to cancel Person of Interest because the profit sharing didn’t benefit the network enough. (In contrast, Elementary had similar ratings to Person of Interest but because it was a CBS Studios production, it made the company plenty of money.)

Why did Finch call Reese Nathan?

While under the influence of ecstasy, Finch appeared to believe that his accomplice, John Reese, was in fact Ingram. When wishing him goodnight, Finch referred to Reese as “Nathan” (“Identity Crisis”).

Does root find the Machine?

The Machine was Harold Finch’s best-kept secret in Person of Interest, but Root (Amy Acker) was able to find out about it all on her own in season 1. Long before becoming a member of the team, the expert hacker was a villain when she first encountered the main characters.

When is person of interest season 4?

The hunt for Shaw takes Root and Reese to a small town in upstate New York where not everything is as idyllic as it seems; Fusco and a former person of interest team up. S4, Ep14 10 Feb. 2015

Where to watch Person of interest?

The person of interest in the disappearance of a South Carolina mom is Look for her update tonight on Eyewitness News beginning at 5 p.m. (WATCH BELOW: Pageland police say woman heading to Greyhound station reported missing)

Who are the main characters in person of interest?

John Greer. Harold Finch vs John Greer is the classic case of good vs evil.

  • Samaritan. The Machine’s purpose was to save lives.
  • Lionel Fusco. Lionel went from a dirty cop to a hero.
  • Joss Carter. Joss was supposed to be Sameen or Root before either ever stepped into the storyline.
  • Sameen Shaw.
  • The Machine.
  • Carl Elias.
  • Harold Finch.
  • John Reese.
  • Root.
  • Is person of interest TV show cancelled?

    Person of Interest was unfortunately cancelled after five seasons; its final season, which only consisted of 13 episodes, did wrap up lingering plotlines and resolved the conflict between the main characters and their primary antagonist, Samaritan, which was essentially the Machine’s villainous counterpart since season 3.