What happens in Mixquic during Day of the Dead?

In Mixquic, the bells from the old Augustian Convent ring at 4 PM on the second day of November, calling for a procession to the cemetery. The people come silently from their homes, carrying bundles of gladiolas, cempasuchil (the traditional flower of the Day of the Dead), and candles in hand.

What are 4 typical items found on an ofrenda?

Every ofrenda also includes the four elements: water, wind, earth and fire. Water is left in a pitcher so the spirits can quench their thirst. Papel picado, or traditional paper banners, represent the wind. Earth is represented by food, especially bread.

What day is Dios de la Muerte?

November 2

Day of the Dead
Date November 2
Next time 2 November 2022
Frequency Annual
Related to All Saints’ Day, All Hallow’s Eve, All Souls Day

What do I put on my ofrenda?

The Ofrenda is where you place photos of your deceased loved ones and special items that remind you of them; like their favorite foods, drinks, perfumes, flowers, anything really that brings back their memory.

What are the 3 levels of an ofrenda?

Ofrendas are often divided among three tiers:

  • The top level features images of the lost loved one and/or photos of saints.
  • The second tier is filled with favorite food items. There’s pan de muerto, pan dulce, candy, cereal, liquor and more.
  • The bottom tier is the most practical.

What should be on an ofrenda?

Photos and favorite objects: Ofrendas always include photographs of the deceased person(s) which in conjunction with the smells and colors of the flowers, candles and incense help the spirits determine where they should go to reunite and commune with their relatives.

What are some things you can put on an ofrenda?

Some of the typical food that is added to ofrendas are tamales, empanadas, fruta, hot chocolate, mole y pan de muerto: a sweet mouth watering butter based bread mixed with orange blossom representing the dead.

What is the purpose of an ofrenda?

On top of the altar, offerings are laid out for the dead known as ofrenda in Spanish. These are items that the spirits will enjoy when they come back to earth to visit their living families and friends.

What does a Catrina symbolize?

“Catrina has come to symbolize not only El Día de los Muertos and the Mexican willingness to laugh at death itself, but originally catrina was an elegant or well-dressed woman, so it refers to rich people,” de la Torre said. “Death brings this neutralizing force; everyone is equal in the end.