What happens in chapter 9 of tomorrow when the war began?

A friendly jet chased by three enemy jets makes the trio pause. Homer forms a plan to find Lee and Robyn; he also says they should pack up survival gear and food and go to Hell to live. It’s list-making time, and the groups argues about what unnecessary items they should be allowed to bring for sentimental reasons.

Who gets shot in tomorrow when the war began?

From Robyn, Ellie and Homer learn that Lee was shot in the leg while he and Robyn were trying to visit their homes. Now Lee is in his parents’ restaurant (you know, since he can’t walk).

What happens in tomorrow when the war began?

Based on the John Marsden classic novel, Tomorrow When the War Began is the story of seven teenagers who return from a camping trip to find Australia has been invaded by a foreign power. With their friends and families captured, they decide to band together to fight the invaders.

What happened in Chapter 11 in tomorrow when the war began?

Ellie cruises loudly down the road and picks up Lee and Robyn just as soldiers begin to shoot at them. Ellie drives wildly, doing her best to command the beastly machine. In the process, she runs over a car and gets the tires shot out by ensuing soldiers.

What happens in chapter 12 of tomorrow when the war began?

As she sleeps, Ellie is haunted by terrible nightmares in which she kills a ton of people. When she finally snaps out of it, she begins paying attention to the nature around her—trees, birds, sounds. She heads down to the creek, where she finds Robyn, who gets her food. Once she eats, Ellie begins to feel okay again.

Who does Ellie love in Tomorrow When the War Began?

‘ Chris had been sleeping in which increased the chance they could have been discovered by the enemy. By the end of the novel, Ellie has become closer to both these two, but in particular Kevin: ‘Give my love to Corrie, and to you, Kevin.

How old is Lee in Tomorrow When the War Began?

A lot of Lee’s free time was spent in the resturant with his parents, or playing his insturments. Lee was 16 when the war began and was interested in Ellie for a while.

How old is Lee in Tomorrow When The War Began?

What happens at the end of Tomorrow When The War Began book?

The very last thing that happens in Tomorrow, When the War Bean is that Kevin leaves to drive Corrie—who’s been shot—to the hospital. As they leave, Ellie thinks that she understands why Kevin turns the headlights on (22.55).