What happens if the semicircular canals are damaged?

Damage or injury to the semicircular canals may be twofold. If any of the three separate pairs do not work, a person can lose their sense of balance. A loss of hearing may also result from any damage to these semicircular canals.

What is lateral semicircular canal dysplasia?

Background and Objectives: Dysplasia of lateral semicircular canal (LSCC) is the most common inner ear malformation, because LSCC is the last single structure to be formed during inner ear embryogenesis.

What causes inner ear malformation?

Inner ear malformations can be associated with both hereditary and nonhereditary SNHL. Sporadic malformations may occur by presumed localized teratogenesis during the early development of the inner ear as a result of putative toxic insults during the first 8 weeks of gestation. The cause is rarely determined.

How does semicircular canals affect balance?

When your head moves around, the liquid inside the semicircular canals sloshes around and moves the tiny hairs that line each canal. These hairs translate the movement of the liquid into nerve messages that are sent to your brain. Your brain then can tell your body how to stay balanced.

How is SSCD diagnosed?

If your doctor suspects you have SSCD, they may order a CT scan of your ear to look for holes in the bone above your canals. This type of scan uses X-rays taken from different angles to show a more complete picture of your ear.

What are the semicircular canals?

Your semicircular canals are three tiny, fluid-filled tubes in your inner ear that help you keep your balance. When your head moves around, the liquid inside the semicircular canals sloshes around and moves the tiny hairs that line each canal.

What is in the vestibular apparatus?

vestibular system, apparatus of the inner ear involved in balance. The vestibular system consists of two structures of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear, the vestibule and the semicircular canals, and the structures of the membranous labyrinth contained within them.

What is the main function of semicircular canals?