What happens if the internal capsule is damaged?

Damage to this area can affect functions like speaking, chewing, and swallowing. As a result, individuals may struggle to swallow (dysphagia), have difficulty with eating, and/or struggle with speech (dysarthria and other motor speech disorders) after an internal capsule stroke.

What passes through genu of internal capsule?

It contains the corticobulbar tract, which carries upper motor neurons from the motor cortex to cranial nerve nuclei that mainly govern motion of striated muscle in the head and face.

What will happen to internal capsule functions of middle cerebral artery is damaged?

An internal capsule stroke can cause arm, hand, leg, or foot weakness, described as hemiparesis or hemiplegia. You might have some strength left in the affected area (hemiparesis,) or you might not be able to move it at all (hemiplegia.)

What is right MCA stroke?

Middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke describes the sudden onset of focal neurologic deficit resulting from brain infarction or ischemia in the territory supplied by the MCA. The MCA is by far the largest cerebral artery and is the vessel most commonly affected by cerebrovascular accident.

What is the function of the genu?

The genu is the bend of the anterior corpus callosum and the forceps minor is a tract that projects fibres from the genu to connect the medial and lateral surfaces of the frontal lobes. The body forms the long central section and its fibres pass through the corona radiata to reach the surface of the hemispheres.

Can lacunar infarct be caused by trauma?

Childhood lacunar strokes and trauma-induced strokes represent particularly uncommon subsets and have been reported infrequently in the literature. It is unique to find a combination of the 2-a lacunar stroke induced by trauma.

Which part of the brain is affected by a lacunar stroke?

A lacunar stroke occurs when an artery to the deep part of the brain, containing structures like the thalamus or basal ganglia, is blocked. These arteries are very small and branch off directly from a larger artery, making them particularly vulnerable to blockages.

Does MCA stroke affect legs?

As previously mentioned, an embolism of the MCA results in an ischemic stroke. A stroke of the MCA is denoted as middle artery syndrome. Middle artery syndrome presents with contralateral sensory loss of the legs, arms, and lower two-thirds of the face due to tissue necrosis of the primary somatosensory cortex.