What happens if I breathe in muriatic acid fumes?

Inhalation of muriatic acid vapors can cause immediate coughing, choking, chest pain and tightness, hoarseness and sore throat, rapid pulse, and bluish tint to lips and fingers. More severe effects include inflammation or burning of the windpipe and respiratory tract, coughing up of blood and pulmonary edema.

Is muriatic acid heavier than air?

It is heavier than air and may accumulate in low-lying areas. comes in contact with moisture, it forms hydrochloric acid, which is corrosive and can cause irritation and burns.

What should you do if you accidentally inhale muriatic acid?


  1. Immediately move to fresh air.
  2. Rinse your face, mouth, eyes and nostrils for several minutes at the sink or shower.
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply, don’t hyperventilate.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms like:

What happens if you inhale HCL fumes?

Hydrochloric acid is corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure may cause eye, nose, and respiratory tract irritation and inflammation and pulmonary edema in humans.

What can muriatic acid do to your lungs?

What immediate health effects can be caused by exposure to hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid? Hydrogen chloride gas can irritate the lungs, causing a cough and shortness of breath. Breathing high levels of the gas or vapor can lead to a build-up of fluid in the lungs, which may cause death.

Do you need a respirator for muriatic acid?

Essential Safety Measures with Muriatic Acid Wear full-face protection, a respirator, thick, full-coverage clothing, and acid-resistant protective gloves. Muriatic acid must be diluted in water. Though degree of dilution will vary depending on the job, the general formula is one-part muriatic acid to 10 parts water.

Can you use muriatic acid indoors?

4) Using muriatic acid indoors is not recommended, since the corrosive vapors can begin chemical reactions in metals that are difficult to stop, leading to long-term, permanent damage in both appliances and electronics!

How harmful is muriatic acid?

Muriatic acid is harmful if swallowed and may cause irreversible damage to mucous membranes; repeated or prolonged exposure to corrosive materials or fumes may cause gastrointestinal disturbances.

What happens if you inhale strong chemicals?

A large chemical exposure may additionally cause more serious effects such as difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, a faint feeling, or weakness. The worst effects from the most harmful chemicals are sudden collapse, convulsions, and possibly even death.

What kind of respirator do you need for muriatic acid?

Quantity: Dual cartridge mask is designed to protect against Muriatic Acid, Chlorine and other organic vapors. Requires two cartridges, which should be replaced periodically.